[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Not the first time we’ve had to move against a corrupt warchief.
Or a sovereign king. Slain in his own home.
A home that still stands. Can you say the same for Teldrassil?

Glad the Alliance got to pay Rastakhan back for the burning of Teldrassil tbh. Bastard had it coming.


Thank his stupid daughter who was giving the WQs in Kul Tiras to kill the Alliance I guess.

That’s what you get for allying with massmurderers and those that support genocide, tbf.


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But Rastakhan was a proponent of Zandalari isolationism and not joining the Horde :S

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We’re talking about the Horde right now, not Alliance tyvm. Stay on topic!

His daughter wasn’t, already on her way to ally with Vol’jin.

Got me, sorry :cry:

Stuff like this also really makes one think “Why do i spend my time holding people captured instead of just straight up executing them. They wont get out then”

Read them broadcasts man.

Thrall? Saurfang? Lady Jaina? Oh, no.
Baine my friend, we will get you out of here. The Alliance has agreed to help us.
You don’t understand. She knew you were coming…

Baine was bait to catch the other Horde dissidents.


Baine whispered Sylv OOC ((yeah btw I don’t want char death so please respect that and make a big event out of my capture anyway))


dies inside really fast and hard

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I know he was bait, but being the bad bad mustache twirling villian sylvanas is. She would have been better off killing baine. OR OR who knows… maybe put up a proper fighting force that can actually kill them… or… hmm… maybe gas the room with some nice blight. Clearly she had enough to make undercity lit af fam
IK there is a suposely “war” going on (mostly just in the mission tables and warfront keepo) so you can’t actually spare numbers too much. But comon, lets be real they are just pumping out numbers like a bunch of clones. “These people, there are few of them left. Lets kill a hundred of them.” and after having killed a hundred, of some people that are suposely very few left of. Well, there still seem to be alot left. Almost like you never killed anyone

What she really should have done was to tell Nathanos to start acting on the intel the PC was giving him, instead of just telling him to play along at every turn lol


Maybe Nathan is a double agent? :thinking:

It’s treason then

gods I was just thinking the same thing lol. that’s the big surprise Ion’s been touting

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I mean what did you expect? You think they’ll kill you character die and delete him from your account if the other side wins and your character faces the consequences of allying with Sylvanas?

They can’t make two separate stories work. It would take an expansion of carful planing, not improvising because of the unexpected public outrage.

yeah, I assumed Ion would personally show up at my door and uninstall WoW from my PC


My point is that you seem upset that your choices mean little ultimately when it was obvious that they wouldn’t mean anything since this wasn’t done well enough in advance to enable realistic consequences of choices.

I just don’t get why people are angry about this. I personally knew that these “choices” would ultimately lead to nothing as it was unrealistic to expect otherwise.

Was that your point? Can you reiterate it in a few more posts, just so I’m sure I get it?

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Unfortunately friend, if you didn’t get it so far, then I don’t see the point in futilely repeating myself.