[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

tbh it would have been positively radical if we are offered a last quest or choice where we either get a free faction change/race change token we have to use on the spot or swear fealty to the new Warchief at the end of the scenario


Imagine being someone who just accepts this mediocre shovelware story rather than rightly objecting to one of the largest gaming companies in the world (with over a decade and a half of MMO experience on top of another decade and a half of general game writing) being unable to write a cohesive story, especially when they already wrote this story seven years ago.


I assure you that I dont agree that this is a good thing, nor am I fine with it personally. I am simply being realistic. In terms of personal standards regarding the story, I assure you that neither yours nor anyone else’s standards here are any higher than mine.

Yeah, but tbh what most people complain isn’t about good or bad writing but rather something along the lines of “weeeagh I’m not winning, this is bad!”

—> there will be a losing side, in the end

Truth fully, all i am angry at is all the missed potential for things that could have been explored in this expac.
Like the kul’tiran warcrimes against the darkspear
Like racial leaders not being completely black and white of “Either i side with sylvanas or i am for the horde”. Clearly they can write grey characters if you look at the horde B-characters.
Maybe having the war actually feel like a war for survival. All we really see is both side pumping out clones in millions to bash at each other. No one seem to be like “We are going fooking extinct if we don’t unite together” because we all know, if you go against sylvanas holy boi anduin gonna pop up, give you a pat on the back and say “ok we gud fam plz no more troubles oki?”

So in truth, a leader (and potentially his race aswell) siding with or against sylvanas has no consequences on how the war plays out. Because a race can always just pump out more clones even if we are told they are very few.

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I’m not really sure that’s what people are complaining about lol. I don’t know about other people, but I’m not a character in the World of Warcraft universe, so the only way I lose, is when I get poor story writing for my subscription cash :frowning:


Priscilla: We had a deal, Azshara! Give me the power you promised!
Azshara: Oh, I intend to. I merely wanted our guests to bear witness to your glorious ascension.
Priscilla: No! Not like this! What are you doing to me?!
Azshara: You asked to be powerful, Priscilla. Consider our bargain complete.



Blizzard’s mind games have truly paid off when they’ve convinced people to earnestly believe that it’s unthinkable for them to plan out a single expansion in advance.

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If you take a look at MMO-Champ and other forum boards around here you’ll see the rather disheartening number of topics about which faction/lore character is right, who should win and why my faction is better/the other faction is horrible, all fed by absolute mongoloids.

Faction favoritism can be fine but these days its been rabid for all the wrong reasons.


Unfortunately, it would seem you also have missed my point.

I don’t think it would’ve been unreasonable to expect that Sylvanas doesn’t have the strategic depth of a puddle as a

  • Horde Leader
  • Controversial character that kept herself alive this long
  • Character who supposedly underwent drastic and significant changes in the Cata storyline
  • Character who supposedly has unfinished plots from Legion

So the potential was there, it’s just that it was squandered and the big reveal that Sylvanas actually knew what she was doing never came.

Honestly? That’s what I expected to have happened at the end of the choice chain. I expected a run-of-the-mill plot twist where someone goes “Sylvanas is actually right you fools” in a very the end justifies the means take (which I think has great fidelity to her char so far?) contrary to being railroaded into siding against her despite helping her all the way.

And what would Sylvanas have been right about? Idk, containing N’zoth in the Blade, since Old Gods are outside the realm of death or w/e the frick the lore is nowadays. Or she could’ve been right that Azeroth’s world soul is not worth saving as it’s been corrupted a long time ago (hinted at previously from the aparitions in patches past). Basically the Kerrigan twist. Which everyone saw coming and could’ve tought of. But this… this is so much worse.

You know who’s a great morally grey character? Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt) in Watchmen. Because by the time the heroes come to stop him his plan already went into effect 30 minutes ago. And spoilers, it’s an authentic morally grey plan: kill millions… to save billions.

It’s not even special or hard to accomplish, it’s just toying with philosophical/ethical concepts in the shape of characters. And I always saw Sylvanas as the pragmatist + utilitarian type.

She could’ve been World of Warcraft’s Ozymandias.


idk what you are talking about. Obviously the alliance faction is lesser to my superior horde faction. Damn blizzard for favouring the alliance of the horde, its just not fair or fun at all. The alliance should just straight up loose because they are trash and so is anime.

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Puppets… fools. The Banshee baited you… to your own slaughter.
Gave Azshara… what she wanted. N’Zoth will rise… his madness… comes…
Ashvane spoke with a serpent’s tongue, but… could she be right? Were we lured to Nazjatar as part of some dark bargain?



To be fair, even Varimathras hinted that Sylvanas will screw the Horde. I wonder how he knew that?


the based nightborne show their worth yet again, thanks chad liadrin


A chance for Thalyssra, First Arcanist of Suramar to show her quality.


That is so tru… hey!

Even if you don’t expect them to put any effort in, they could still easily make separate storylines work without forcing people to delete their characters the same way they make the faction war continuously work: by forcing a contrived conclusion where no one can lose for some reason.

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Excuse me sir.


I agree with that. I’m just saying that it’s probably too late to do that in this expansion.