[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I’m all ready for Mechagon and I wonder if we get a choice to either help Baine out or throw peanuts at him.

If you’re talking about WOTLK glyphs, they hardly offered meaningful customisation as every spec had 3 or at best 4 glyphs they were using in their cookie cutter build. But really, what’s the difference between glyphs and Azerite traits? Glyphs were always passive bonuses that didn’t change your gameplay.


They were also so strong it was a bit silly. I remember in Cata when I had a +40% damage on death strike glyph (and it did quite a bit of damage back then).

Like hello? How do you pass that up?

You’ll be singing a different tune when Baine breaks those chains like Quasimodo and slaps Sylvanas aside, taking matters into his own hands.


You must’ve not played during Cata, MoP or WoD.

There used to be 3 tiers of glyphs. Minor, normal and major ones. I don’t remember which expansion added the major ones (and then I believe WoD removed the middle ones?), but the gist of it was that you could add entire abilities to your class with them!

For example, as a shaman in WoD, you could glyph to have your defensive cooldown reduce an additional 20% more damage, but have 1 minute increased CD. Or you could have your grounding totem act as a spell reflect, instead of just absorb spells.

Warriors could glyph to have shattering throw in WoD (as it was removed from baseline during the launch), reduce the cooldown on some of your abilities (Leap, spell reflect, defensives), make your victory rush heal either a lot more or make it ranged.

Hunters could glyph for entire traps like explosive trap, trap duration changes, disengage range increases.

It was at it’s peak at the launch of WoD, where it essentially gave you the choices (in many cases) of:

  1. Improving some baseline (usually non-rotational utility spells). Sometimes it even improved rotational abilities, such as allowing shield slam to remove 1 magic effect each time you used it.
  2. Add entire new spells/abilities.
  3. Make some abilities ridiculously strong, but at a drawback (IE glyph that made hand of freedom undispellable, but only castable on yourself/had increased CD).

Minor glyphs were essentially as they are atm: Though with a far larger variety and choice.

It was a really good system.

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That would be incredibly lame and bad writing.


Mechagon proves, without a doubt, that gnomes, not goblins are the true technology race of Azeroth.

Goblins are, at best, second rate, junkers compared to glorious gnome tech.


So what do you want to happen?

I don’t remember how long it stayed live- But either way, I’d much rather have a few “broken” things that can literally be adjusted with number tuning than a system that gives me 1 ability to press on cooldown that looks identical to others.

And yes, I’m aware it’ll have “skins”.

I want Sylvanas to save Alliance & Azeroth from itself, sacrifice herself heroicly and have a statue made of herself in both Stormwind and Undercity.

Based + redpilled.

5.2 Lor’themar and Jaina have their forces battle each other while taking down a hostile monarch.

8.2 Lor’themar and Jaina have their forces battle each other while taking down a hostile monarch.

Hmm… I can’t help but wonder if 8.3 will be Battlefield: Silverpine.


Thrall to come back, peaceful transfer of power*, crush the Alliance, and we’ll be back home in time for dinner.

*Sylvanas can rebuild the Forsaken capital in Gilneas City. It’s unoccupied right now.

Petition to rename Lor’themar to Chad’themar.


Sure, but no death to Baine.

That would be incredibly lame and bad writing.


The virgin Brapmoore vs the Chad’themar

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Baine is locked up undernearth Orgrimmar.
His fate and the fate of those who followed him will be revealed in this patch.

Interesting, so they actually intend for there to be a response to our choices? If true I’ll be mildly surprised. WoWhead wrote it to imply there would be a ‘poll’ but frankly I can’t see that working, both due to alts doing the quest and how the quests we’ve done so far are blatantly aligned to make you help Saurfang+Baine. I didn’t even spot the option to tattle on Baine in the last part so my guess is most casuals would have probably done as he asked without batting an eye.

I suspect it’ll probably just determine which side we’re on, at most, for the duration of a “Orgrimmar Redemption: Starring Baine Bloodhoof” scenario.

As for the Warchief thing: I fully expect Saurfang to cleave the throne in two by the end of this, there’s too many nods to “We’ve done this before” by the devs and the characters. No more Warchiefs, now the Horde has a council. Suits me.

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Why? According to the mission table, the Forsaken are making a decent effort of turning Alterac City into their new capital, and the cold would probably preserve them better.

Would like that, he should’ve returned after Garrosh or Vol’jin’s death.

That’s literaly impossible for the current Horde.

Bilgewater Cannon’s eyes flash a powerful shade of red

If Baine dies, I quit.

I’d accept alterac. I like snowy areas.

Now you will witness the power of this fully armed and operational World Shaman.

Oh yeah, so they can blow up one city, not like Sylvanas hasn’t done that either.