[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Let’s pray he dies then.


She just burned it.


While the Horde can’t win the Alliance is more than welcome to run itself into the ground (again) trying to subjugate it.

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Love you too. /s

Oh yeah, it’s a city they could make entirelly of the new* forsaken architecture as Brill was.

*New as in not-so-new.

Well, we could try :stuck_out_tongue:

It’ll be better then once again ending with the “status quo” where the Horde got away with everything they did, keep the lands they conquered and then promise to do better next time, with the Alliance leadership interpreting that to mean to be nicer/more honourable, while they actually mean next time they try to commit racial genocide on Alliance races, they do it faster, bloodier and worse.


Eh. It’s Blizzard, remember: If you think they’ll pull any kind of twist or something unexpected, don’t. They’ll do the most obvious, trope-y thing in the book.

“Wait and see” is code word for “**** they guessed it right!”

10 gold says he literally makes a hole in the wall of his cell and covers it up with a poster of a heifer, breaks open a sewer pipe and crawls through a stream of :poop: then escapes to retrieve a boat in the Barrens. Saurfang catches up to him, they exchange a smile and nod. Credits roll.

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did i miss something? where did they speak about lor’themar?

Idk I’m just sick and tired of pathetic whiners wanting him dead.

When they were talking about how we start 8.2 Feasel said that Sylv sent her strongest allies - Lor’themar and Nathanos - on an expedition, which Jaina then followed.


Baine has C.Golden armour. She likes him too much. I think he’ll be fine. Speaking seriously Saurfang will probably bust him out while Sylvanas is busy with the sunken city stuff. Those who sided with Baine help Saurfang, those that sided against him probably do the thing where they juuuust miss them and get to be the Saturday morning villain instead.

Sylvanas sympathisers get a toy cosmetic that gives them a curly moustache.

Jaina just pining after Chad’themar tbh. :nail_care:


It gets pretty old, watching Sylvanas fanboys on MMOchampion call all characters who do not agree with Sylvanas ‘soyboy cucks’ who need to die.


She’s definitely got a type that’s for sure.

(am I talking about Golden or Jaina? Wait and see!)

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He’s not the hero the Horde deserves, but he’s the one it needs.

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I bet Sylvanas got the idea for Lor’themar and Nathanos’ expedition from Xal’atath.

Save yourself the brain cells, MMO-C is the forum where people who got perma-banned here go.

I’m willing to have a debate or even argument about Sylvanas, Baine, whatever. But those guys take it to a new level. And not a good one.


God he’s such a Daddy.

Blade’s empty remember?

But it now serves N’Zoth’s will.

Something happens in the latest raid, I think(?) that leads on to Sylv pursuing empty knife. With that said, now that knaifu (best girl) is free, I wonder what her motives are going to become.

Baine won’t die with the character progression he’s received. Besides, there aren’t that many Horde leaders left and the AR leaders besides Talanji and Thalyssra are too bland.

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That and Blizzard rarely kills characters off in general. If they didn’t die at the start or at the end of an xpac, they’re probably going to stick around.