[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Yes but you see, Blizzard’s story team plays 4d chess with the playerbase and both listens and doesn’t to player feedback.

So the idea of Garrosh becoming evil in MoP? That wasn’t based on general player feedback that Garrosh isn’t as nice/fitting as Thrall, it was their decision absolutely. Or bringing back Illidan. Or making Sylvanas Warchief. Or making Anduin High King. Or making Tyrande do something. Or adding Blood Elves, Dark Iron and Mag’har. Or adding Zandalari. What you’re posting about came as a natural development of Sylvanas’ character unimpeded by player feedback.

None of these happened based on feedback but evolved naturally in the Blizzard Storwriting Dojos. Yup. It all makes sense.


I hate to nitpick but this was actually their own decision.

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If anything the morally questionable Cataclysm Garrosh always seemed more popular than the morally detestable MoP Garrosh.

God dammit I miss Cata Garrosh so bad


Cataclysm Garrosh did nothing wrong. Just an innocent boi who is left the pick up the pieces of mister world wide shaman

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That has always been the issue with WoWs community though.

No matter how fun the faction pride is for people, a great deal of the Forum dwellers take this far to much to heart.

The weird thing is though, that most other fandoms arent as “vile” from my experience or atleast I aint looking to hard into them to notice it.

Why cant the WoW community at large not just discuss the characters and plots for what they are? Probably because this is a interactive Medium and the Story hasnt been that important for some years. Ontop of that allot of information is stored in Books and Comics, which are supposed to substitute character development of our key players but often then not get ignored by the game.

Jainas switching of stances throughout the years is a good example of this disconnect, which people wont understand if they aint gobblin up the books and other source materials.

In the RP community it’s more tame though, which probably is due to our investment and interest in the Lore.

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Cata Garrosh was the ultimate chad warchief.

He was so inspirational and a bottomless well of patriotism. He was so incredibly chad that it actually resulted in some moral questions about his brutality and warlikeness, but his motivation was never in doubt.

We need him back. Blizzard, we are supposed to have an inspiring warchief with some questions to keep things interesting, not a warchief made out of nothing but questions who you have to bend over backwards to justify not stabbing.

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The question is in 8.2

Who has it?

Cataclysm Garrosh did a lot of arguably morally detestable things in the Novel “The Shattering: A prelude to Cataclysm”

Garrosh was never a good character but neither was he inherently evil. The reason why Cata Garrosh is the best iteration of him is that, yes, while he was a scumbag he was a lovable scumbag like in Stonetalon, Ashenvale and the Twilight Highlands. Just an aggressive warmongerer that took Saurfang’s lessons to heart and knew that there was a line not to be crossed, which can then be seen in Silverpine with the warning he uttered to Sylvanas.


There are also a few free shortstories on this website with him. The first time he visits Orgrimmar he is shocked to see famine and poverty among his people.

Garrosh came to Orgrimmar, this famed warrior city, to see his own people impoverished. That was his whole motivation for the warmongering he did. Dude wanted to do good.

Alas MoP came around.


The fact people are clamoring for thrall to die as a “traitor” is very amusing.

And by that, I mean sad.


It’s funny how many people think that the Warchief and the Horde is the same thing, especially considering the entire Horde has already betrayed a past warchief!


Some stuff aside, I am hopeful about 8.2 at the moment. There seems to be a lot of interesting stuff going on, especially for the Kalimdor and Highmountain tauren.

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Cataclysm Garrosh was consistently portrayed as a moron who didn’t know what his generals were doing, alienated his allies, and made reckless and thoughtless plans that would have failed without the PC arriving to save the day at the last minute.

But for some reason everyone remembers that one scene in Stonetalon that was an isolated case.


t. Alliance main


Welcome to the real world. Unless someone reports the wrongdoings of a general or unit, the Commander in chief wont know anything else then casualty rates, friendly and enemy troop strengths and some general idea how the battle is going.

In either case. In Ashenvale the Orc that used the Fel, knew she was doing wrong and send us with a letter to Garrosh to inform him. In Stonetalon we where send by the Tauren there to Garrosh to report the distasteful tactics of his General then.

In both cases Garrosh acted and passed Judgement as soon as he was made aware of it. The Demolisher Grunt got a pass, because she owned up to it and Krom’Gar got tossed off a lift.

This has been going both ways. Cairne already disliked him in Northrend and Vol’jins first act once Garrosh was in office was to threaten him. In both cases neither of the two sides, Garry and his advisors, really communicated and just went “I dont like you.”

Only case I can think of was the assault on the Twilight Highlands. And that is fine. Garrosh is a warhead. It was completely in character for him to send his air support away. Like a winner!

He was a doofus. Sure. But that was all within his character and beside his issues, the guy had good sides to him. That is why to this day the community debates him.


He seems flawed if you compare him to Thrall and Anduin, sure. But no one actually wants a perfect Warchief. If everyone was perfect there would be no more war anywhere.


Like father like son. Grom also wasn’t the greatest leader when put in charge of a Horde and did go too far with dabbling in powers beyond reckoning.

Always hated Grom. For me, his actions were never driven out of benevolence but weakness and egoism… I kinda laughed when Thrall made him a legend because of a single action that clearly doesn’t make up for all the suffering the Orcish people endured… And I’m just talking about the Orcs, if I extended the list, it would be way worse.

His WoD iteration added +20 in hypocrisy and +100 on charisma on his spreadsheet as he yelled “Draenor is free!” and everyone forgave the free from Demon Blood genocide on the Draenei.

Grom is a bad character… Seems like the curse also got passed down to his son.


after hoping that by 8.2 lore would straighten out, not make a complete 180