[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

“Oh yeah, we forgot that Jaina caused the arrest of the Sunreavers way back during MoP…best have LTT mention it now.”

GG Blizz.

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Slaughter. Not arrest.

Not that Blizz remember that either.


Recently done the quest and I can assure you, she was teleporting all of the citizens.

She casted a fireball or two and then teleported. That tells me that it was “arrest.”

But that wasn’t Jaina’s fault! She said things got more violent than she wanted, so she wasn’t responsible!!

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Weirdly fireball-shaped teleport spell. I guess all the bodies are just having a quick powernap on the ground before the teleport takes effect?


Well, it’s not what I saw when I was walking around with her and for a good while, might I add.

I also checked Nobbel’s video from that time and again, it was as I mentioned.
I think it was like that on the PTR, but Blizzard must have patched it.

I took those screenshots in Legion. You can see my artifact. And the pennant.


Well I don’t know then.

She wasn’t killing any when I followed her around for a while.

What if it changes per character?

I mean, with you she might’ve killed more, but with everyone else, not so much?

Gotta do that quest too, on some character and then make screenies too so we can compare em!

Could be Horde/Alliance dependent?

I was playing a Draenei when I last did the quest and no blood elves were actually killed.
I truly don’t know though…perhaps the quest is bugged, itself?

I did it on both a nightborne and my alliance priest. There was no difference. Nightborne screenshots:


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Well either or either way - it doesn’t matter who did what.

The poor timing on Blizzard to remind us of this, strikes again. Personally, I don’t care if a few elves were sent to prison or a few elves died - the point is, the poor timing strikes again, thus promoting further questionable story.

Ah, fair enough

Yes it does! Let the flames of war rise ever higher!

So the Alliance can stand bloody and victorious in the end!

MoP 3.0 begins…ffs…

oh my god i want off mister bones’ wild ride

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There aint nothin’ stoppin’ this ride, kid.

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Quoting again for future reference.


I was always under the impression that they’d never make a branching storyline with separate outcomes in the horde rebellion arc. At most, it’d be this situation where you play along with the traitors to expose them but then Sylvanas is toppled in the end with separate rewards and achievements for being rebel or loyal with loyalists being grudgingly pardoned in the same speech where newly crowned Warchief [censored] praises those who stood beside him in ending the tyrant.

I’ve predicted plots before and this won’t surprise me.

Usually it’s the old god critters who vaugely allude to future events since they’re beyond space, time and death but I suspect Chronicle 6 will include a small aside about how Varimathras was actually the Legion’s spymaster or prophet equivalent, using a scrying pool ritual to see the future back in Wrath and mocked us with the truth in Antorus;


"So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one.

When your thrones run red with betrayal… when your holy places burn and the shattered mask hangs above your hearth… only then you will know. And it will be too late.

It matters not. You are blind to the true darkness closing in around you."


"So, she found me at last. Sent her underlings to finish the job.

Tell me, when she seized your throne of hides and bones, was your allegiance forced? No… I’d wager you surrendered it willingly… or were convinced you did.

It matters not. You are blind to the darkness in your midst."

And the stinger: “Better that you died here, where she cannot claim you.”

The ultimate plot twist is that Varimathras was a good lad all along and that the whole siege of undercity situation in Wrath was about him trying to stop Sylvanas early on, his vision informing him of her long term plan and of what she’d become without Arthas to distract her from the darkness inside herself.

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blizzard: what, none of you play gnomes??


Yes, there’s a substentional gnome playerbase.

We’ll gnome you!