[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Azshara better not die next patch…

Shes my cheesemonger,

Reminder that there’s people quote unquote who think WoW’s story / setting isn’t just a complete mess rn.

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The parallels are surprisingly believable and I’m surprised other people remember that Bionicle had lore.

Anyway… How bout the broadcast text on MMOC? Pretty much all of it I called back in 8.0 lol.

To be fair, Alex Afrasiabi did answer to that specific concern when his colleque said “Dude we can’t kill people’s characters” and he said “Dude, we’re the Blizzard entertainment, we can do whatever the hell we want”.

This was in last Blizzcon.

Then again he also promised we’d burn down stormwind and fire the Bilgewater Cannon but alas here we are.


You can’t seriously expect them to do that. Do you have any idea how mad people would be?

People already fill the forums with rage the moment they sense their side is less ‘favoured’.

Nazjatar seems like a cool zone, the glimpses into Thalyssra and Shandris’ past are nice.

You dare??

we do not insult GlaDOS even in her 1.1 volt form. Now apologise to the potato-people.

And so Sylvanas seems to have started the war as a distraction to divide us against Azshara and N’Zoth with Lor’themar noting he should have seen they were being manipulated sooner.

I’m shocked. Shocked!

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got a problem with that, officer?

I, for one, am just done with this lore, and this game.

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Lor’themar: Sylvanas has the loyalty of the people. So long as she is warchief, this war will rage within their hearts. We cannot stop it.

Anyone else here part of the /people’s movement/ ?


Because Thalyssra proved so much more trustworthy by joining a genocidal maniac and faction which exists solely for War?

Yeaaa, I found it odd how literally no one thought about checking in the other Pillars since they’re apparently just up for the grabs? D:

I also like how Jaina talks about justice for Teldrassil(with Shandris nearby) after forcing everyone to work with the Horde because reeee I hate how I am forced to work with the Horde again because thosd massmurdering, genocidal maniacs can’t even butter their own bread without Alliance help.

Also nice I get to save the one who planned the whole invasion of Ashenvale in the first place… And then am forced to work woth the bastards in Zin-Azshari again. D:<

It’s MoP 2.0 (but not good), again!


Headcanon, as Blizzard confirmed that Kul Tirans are ‘just’ Humans to and they were just playing with shapes and sizes.

So no, the good Drust intermingling with the Human population is not confirmed, for all we know they were to few to have their population going or they just killed off themselves because reasons.

I live how they’re adding more and more depth to Shandris, it makes me fear for Tyrande’s life, tho D:

Also Shandris has a brother now!?

ITT: Everyone but Jastor Gallywix betrays the Warchief again.
Throne of Thunder 2: Underwater Boogaloo
Tyrande gets shafted for Shandris
Genn Greymane is 13/10 worgen.


I’d rather have Shandris than Tyrande.

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Well, the attack on Ashenvale wasn’t really a huge deal, if you consider that Teldrassil was torched by Sylvanas, and Saurfang being completely against it.

Her rationale to Saurfang at the start for invading ashenvale was always poor as an illogical emotional appeal. Horde leadership confirmed officially dense and amnesiac. Manipulation like that was obvious from the start. Qui bono should be the mantra when someone urges another war within days of the last one depleting the globe.

I mean, it’s right there, in the game? Drust descendants functionally being just humans isn’t crazytalk either.

Popular support is a powerful thing. The question is where the popularity stems from given the state of the war but I guess Teldrassil is a big win and she has her unwavering 100% approval rating among the Forsaken.

Did everyone forget how the wars culled the horde into the forsaken being the horde’s military backbone? Especially the whole legion business. She definitely has the support of the horde military as such.

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the fact that some people are getting paid a lot of money to write this nonsensical garbage upsets me greatly