With Baine in prison, the “Core Three” of orcs/trolls/tauren are now officially leaderless. How embarassing for them
This is actually becoming a problem, there are very few notable characters left at this point. I genuinely don’t know who’s going to take center stage for the Forsaken when the inevitable happens, never mind if they kill Baine.
Chook often speculates that Nathanos will step in, but I can’t see that happening. He is completely built around Sylvanas, and I can’t see him leaving her side, nor letting anyone kill her while he still lives.
It was already concerning when at the end of the Undercity cinematic the Horde is represented by two elves, a human and a tauren who desperately looks like he doesn’t want to be there.
Calia or Nathanos. Calia is like a goodie undead now and Nathanos, while I hate his characterisation in game, is not entirely moronic in written material. He occasionally expresses doubt, at least internally, he even stood still while Darnassus burned.
There have been a few seeds of him visably doubting Sylv, there is genuine room for him to be disentangled from Sylv. But I don’t think Blizzard want to go down that route.
I think the issue with Calia is you have to justify her being Horde when she’s Alliance aligned, she’ll come as a double team with Faol too.
Honestly, I’d like to see Nathanos acknowledge at some point that the Sylvanas he once admired (and loved) is absolutely gone and that he’ll retrieve his balls from her purse. I know he’s sometimes seen as a self-insert but separating him from Sylvanas could turn him into a character to root for.
Auntie Calia is an awful choice. I maintain Voss is being given development in BfA for a future Forsaken leadership role.
But…he’s totally on board with the whole blight and murder stuff. His reaction to you beating up Sira on the shore wasn’t “oh no” it was “cool, another night elf to raise, bwahahahaha”, then he made fun of Tyrande losing Teldrassil.
Every crime Sylv is accused of, Nathanos is totally on board for.
Probably another case of inconsistent writing. In Dark Mirror, the novellas and the Warbringers cinematic we see that he feels doubt and is hesitant sometimes, and this is once again seen in the Lordaeron cinematic. I know right after he goes back to his rude and gruff self, but yeah, we’ll have to wait and see what they plan to do with him.
Personally, I don’t think Sylvie is gunna get the axe but Nathanos very might will be. I see her running off and doing her own thing with Knaifu at the end of the war campaign, or maybe getting out of dodge before then leaving the Horde to pick up her pieces (this is where Chad’themar steps in).
I know you like to meme #Lor’themarAsWarchief but it’ll either be Baine or they will abolish the Warchief position completely.
I’m fine with any of those options. The second one is better though. We have had enough warchiefs.
It should have been abolished after Garrosh.
I never want to see Lor’themar as a warchief because it would mean his character gets assassinated really hard.
I’m happy to see him become relevant one every couple of patches
So, we get a preview of all sorts of new mechanics and new information about the new zone, mounts, pets, raids and other content.
And just like how everyone fixated on a single picture of Sylvanas wielding Xal’atath in the 8.2 presentation during Blizzcon, people are fixated on a single picture of Baine in chains during in this preview. And Lor’themar, but elf fans are something special.
I think my most hated feature of BFA is the war campaign. It’s a blight on the brains of the players, that makes them obsess over the faction conflict and its primary players above everything else.
Yeah, Lor’themar is only Regent-Lord because no one else is there to take that position. He doesn’t even want to lead. He – would – be a good Warchief though, but I want them to keep his character consistent.
Blood elves, unironically, have a good thing going with this.
I dunno about everywhere else but this is an RP server forum, we’re more concerned with lore and story than your average player would be. You won’t find much mechanical or content talk here.
I am personally happy with the gameplay in 8.2. It looks promising.
Same here.
Were the backseat drivers sassing everyone when something goes wrong without getting any of the blame.