[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

No, no.

Geya’rah wasn’t born yet in Warlords.

Thrall has a daughter too, who’s like 2 or so by now. She hasn’t been given a name yet, but his son is named Durak.

Geya’rah is his grandma…

Geya’rah exists because when we return to WoD in BfA, its not back in time, but its caught up, so 35 years later. She is genderbent Thrall :slight_smile:

No, that’s Geyah.

Ugh, annoying Orc names.

Geyah is his grandma. Geya’rah is the AU version of Thrall who hates Lightforged and is super cool and pretty and awesome and she knows what true honour is.



Well it seems that we don’t actually kill Azshara. Apparently she’s imprisoned/bound? Gul’dan 2.0 perhaps?

Yes, but she wasn’t born during the period when we were on Draenor, she was born afterwards.

That’s what she’s been described as from the start. :slight_smile:

Yes, but she isnt Thrall’s child :stuck_out_tongue: but Durotan and Draka’s.

Edit: Nevermind I misread your initial comment, sorry!

I know that, but I’m not mixing them together! GAAH!

Thrall has his own daughter!


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Yes, I mistead, sorry!

Oxford commas exist for a reason!

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Well, more like that she’s preserved to have another role in the future. I am pleased we don’t kill her though. She’s possibly the most powerful mage in all of Warcraft. Wasn’t keen on the idea of defeating her without a hitch.

Psh, only 'cos Aegwynn is dead…

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Isn’t just possibly, she most definitely Is the most powerful mage.

She is even more powerful than a fully empowered guardian.

Jaina: Thalyssra, aid me! Together we can hold her here!
Thalyssra: Now you will know what it means to be trapped, Azshara!
Azshara: Azshara: I am Azshara! I was destined to rule! No force can bind me!

Yep, I’m glad.

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The comma does nothing but place emphasis on “with a child”.

As the Alliance drags Sylvanas in chains to the courtroom and express their union agreement on having her executed for her heinous acts, she is permitted to speak in her defense.

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

Alliance is absolutely BTFO by the response, with Anduin falling into deep delirium over “What did she mean by this?”, all the while radical void worshipping elements take root within the Alliance and a disastrous coup tears the faction apart, requiring the Horde with their superior HONOR to save the day. Sylvanas shouts from the top of her lungs that STORMWIND IS FREE, and all her past crimes are absolved and forgiven.

At the end of all of it, Jaina arrives in tuck with Thrall, having been busy rekindling some old acquiatances and they announce their love for another, foreshadowing the next expansion where Kalec and Aggra team up together with the lich king to bring terrible vengeance upon the two cheaters and their factions.


I’d play that expansion, has more creativity than BfA.