[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Hire this man as a writer

Sylvanas written to have the “loyalty of the people” doesn’t make any sense at all. Everybody except Garrosh’s Orc loyalists rose up against him for far less than what the moustache twirling villainness has done so far


t. racial leader patsy + enemy of the people


When they say ‘loyalty of the people’ they actually mean MMOchampion and lswindrunner from the story forum.

It’s a sort of fourth wall reference kind of thing.


It’s really ridiculous isn’t it.

I guess a Warchief’s popularity is always decided on how Bloodthirsty they are and their military victories (The latter makes sense, the first, not so much unless you’re an orc.).

Don’t tell me that lunatic is still going at it…?

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She has the support of the people. This is thus canon lore. Better start being on her side, rebel scum…


Clears throat I AM MY SCARS!

Sylvanas knows that the common people of the Horde want vengeance on the Alliance, and she is providing that.

No wonder she has their loyalty. She’s giving the people what they want.

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[Two hulking Huojin monks wearing Undercity tabards and carrying PPSh-41s approach Chieun]

Hail sister… we’ve heard that there are enemy of the people here… what is your opinion of our great Warchief?

[You notice that there are several executed Pandaren wearing brown cloaks littering the street]

What do you do ?


Wake up probably.

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Sentenced to death for counter-revolutionary sabotage

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While I am really excited to learn more of the Highborne and Zin-Azshari and the history of some of the Nightborne characters, I can’t help but notice the absence of the last remnants of the original Highborne, aka the Shen’dralar (and to a lesser extend Farondis and his lot).

I get that the Nightborne were excellent for portraying how kaldorei civilization was in the days of the Empire. But it does not feel right to me that the aforementioned Highborne aren’t present at all in the Azshara patch.


Can they even leave Azsuna?

They’ve supposedly found a way to break the curse… But so far none bothered to try and expand it to everyone?

Blizzard: writes the reply of the citizenry of the Horde declaring the War of Thorns as ‘YES, FINALLY WOOO LOK’TAR’

Blizzard: introduces several Orcish commanders as staunchly pro-war, including Cromush who has evolved from hostility to the Forsaken to being behind the Warchief.

Blizzard: writes an entire war campaign during which no soldiers express anything except pride to serve the Horde in this time.

Blizzard: writes two characters who defect for ‘honour’ and betray the Horde

Baineposters: “Aha, clearly loyalists are a minority! Haha!”


I get imprisoned but, without telling anyone, I get an old DK friend to get me out. :sunglasses:

Your move, bozo.


They can. We see two of their mages in Stormwind.

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Huh, wasn’t aware of this.

How neat.