[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

In the new lore, Ashiraya now supports Sylvanas because she isn’t a racial leader and thus is a member of the people (who are canonically pro-Sylvanas to the point that Lorthemar is nervous that they may not follow him)

Sorry, pal… [the muzzle of the PPShs flare dramatically] :boom::boom:

*gunshot * ! !

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Damn, looks like Chieun is therefore mindcontrolled into loyalty as well :frowning:

Blizzard did it again


Just like every single commoner in the Horde. Based



That word used to mean something to me.

But now, I stand over the ashes of a million dead souls, and I ask them if honor matters.

The silence is my answer.

We’ve gone too far to turn back, the only path leads forward, and over the finish line.

You joke, but that’s essentially it.

Subscribe to ronin to escape all consequences

Its okay blizzard do it all the time


let me roll a pandaren warlock or you guys take in non-panda mercs and its a deal

As long as Sylvanas keeps the cheese flowing I’m making sure traitors will always end up being at the end of a pike by the end of the day, usually using their small intestine as a skip rope.

Well this is where I believe Blizzard have failed.

They never truly expanded on the Shen’dralar lore. (Them being Azshara’s revered Arcanists after all and that’s truly all we know about them.)
This could have indeed been an ample time to uncover what “demands” Azshara had them processing and why were they kept a secret from the common populace?
But again, Mordent Evenshade and Co. just never got the development that Thalyssra and Co. have received and it is a shame.


That would mean Blizzard writers would’ve had to read up on the Shen’dralar lore because their writers can’t remember things more than two years back, and struggle to get things accurate.

And reading up on ye olde lore is hard work you know. You really want the writers to tire their brains out?

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At the very least Tyrande should be involved in the Azshara plot. I’m in favour of giving Shandris character development but Tyrande is pretty much Azshara’s nemesis and seen as what Azshara could have been had she been more benevolent before the Night Warrior ritual.

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The writers are more likely to ride roughshod over old lore and retcon/reuse it. They’ve got pretty good form in doing this tbh.

That’s true.

At the present time, they don’t feel like anything special other than regular night elf mages.
When I hear of “Azshara’s revered Arcanists” I think of these secret, yet wonderful sorcerers who know their sh!t - but alas…

It’s as if the story could have taken a better turn if Shandris did the NW ritual and Tyrande with her bumplug Malfurion pursued the Azshara storyline…

I really detest the way the “Rebellion” is portrayed in BfA. You can’t pretend that Sylvanas is very much popular with the people if you keep pumping on the side the whole “Thrall & Co” gang returning. That is just dumb for the narrative.

I totally am for calling them all traitors… And they are likely to just throw off the War effort with the constant attempts at removing Sylvanas from the title of Warchief.

Even worse, Alliance is again just saying “Okay, this is cool, let’s just help them with their rebellion again.” instead of… I don’t know, carrying the threat of Varian that they will end the Horde. For all of Anduin’s magic bones and light, he certainly cannot appease the pain and anger of so many people… I will lose it if Kaldorei are just “Let them have Azshara… Toss Ashenvale too as bonus and we’ll forget everything.” or Greymane just being a good boy (Seems like the jokes aren’t jokes anymore) and everyone else just nodding along.

Alliance shouldn’t care about the Horde’s “Honor”… It’s one thing to spare individuals but not taking advantage of the unrest and political instabilities of your enemies to crush them is really naive and fits with the kind of mentality you’d expect from the Scooby gang.


There’s not much about it. The story intends for you to follow the Saurfang/Baine story, and they added a few options to “keep playing along”. Sylvanas won’t last when pretty much every race is moving against her now.

I wasnt expecting Lor’Themar to get involved so quickly though.

Seems all non loyalists can be branded as snowflakes now


I think it’s also worth to note that Sylvanas, atleast when going by the books, is a Warhero for the Horde.

No matter what distrust they had for her or her people. In the eyes of the Horde population she was the one leading the war effort against the Legion. This is shown in “Befor the Storm” when she does her little victory parade and a orc family holds their kid up to her.

She even references the fact, that the people see her the same way, they saw Garrosh after he returned from Northrend. And so far she has been playing her hand rather well.

The War of Thorns had widespread support. She sacrificed her own city. It’s Headhunters, Grunts, Braves and Magisters that arrest Baine on her command and not Dark Rangers.

The only things I can think of, that left a sour taste in the mouths of the average Horde Joe is the blighting of own troops and the following raising of such.

But aside from the racial leaders and champions of the Horde, we dont really see any sign that Grunt Bob and Headhunter Jamal have a issue with her.

EDIT: Atleast not a issue that goes as far as to go into open rebellion and threaten the war effort.


Laughs maniacly as he’s been RPing a skeptic all along

I’m not a fan of the Sylvanas story, but the idea of a second rebellion arc…it’s just ridiculous now.

I mean, Lei’liah doesn’t approve of Sylvanas as she’s now in a neutral organization, but…another rebellion story…I knew burning down the tree was a bad idea…