[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

They won’t kill her off. That’s a given. She won’t be Warchief anymore but plot armor is going to save her. Nevertheless the war hasn’t done any favours for the Horde under Sylvanas’ leadership, so adding the line “Sylvanas has the support of the people” when Daddy Thrall himself once again facepalms at another trainwreck Warchief I just can’t see this being the case unless we walk through Orgrimmar and every Orc in sight is wearing an MMO Champion Sylvanas shirt.

Yeah. But she’s not gonna be warchief by the time the xpac is over, no matter how much people might want it.

Thrall sided against her. In wow storytelling, that pretty much means you’re consigned to being a villain.

I’m seriously of the hope that the Alliance suffers some internal conflict off the back of Anduin deciding he makes decisions for everybody. I’m sure Night Elves/Worgen/Humans/Dwarves, whatever else; do not all ubiquitously share his wonderful pursuit of peace. Hell, I could make a case for Raes being pissed IC at such a decision - after all, where was Anduin during Zuldazar when the new Allied races and Gnomes (smh) were the grunt force?

It’d be so dumb if people like Tyrande were just :ok: about this.


thrall is infallible + always on the right side because he is just That Good

t. Scorchbraid


Tbh I’d donate a kidney for the story to take that route. Reveal that Baine, Saurfang and the other conspirators are completely out of touch with reality and the population dethrones moments after they declare Baine freed.

Make the seething crowds of the Horde reflect what happens to a populace that has been threatened by extinction for decades.

-Gains their allies,
-Solves Kul Titan problems,
-Keeps the Navy,
-Kills others side’s leader,
-“Winning on all fronts”

-Doesn’t solve Zandalari problems,
-Navy is destroyed,
-Zandalari leader killed,
-“Losing on all fronts”
-Only gains allies after constantly losing.
-Kills G’huun,

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Most of the story developments in BFA can be summed up with “It’s just dumb” so I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

??? Speaker of the Horde over here, I solved a bunch of Zandalari problems tyvm.

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In the Old Horde the warchief wasn’t usually popular which led to infighting all the time (Blackhand, Orgrim), but the Old Horde was also a bunch of genocidial, angry maniacs.

So I guess it makes perfect sense.

Mkay, Mkay,

-Our seal broke,
-Couldn’t stop the awakening of a K’thraxi
-Couldn’t stop Rezan’s death,
-Zul completes his goals,

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Honestly its a shame the common horde rper ruined the horde roleplay by responding to people being pro-horde with : the warchief smells etc.

I’m honestly glad it’s confirmed the general horde love her, it’s a shame alot of rp was ruined over people wanting to be saviours of the horde because their characters have access to wowpedia

A victory for my boys


Except we all know this isn’t true, is it? Sylvanas’ involvement in Legion was about a selfish venture to Stormheim for more Val’kyr to turn to her cause to stave off her ultimate fate. That was all she did after her coronation. She didn’t do anything that was instrumental in defeating the Legion but Golden has a major crush on her as seen in the “… and female” line when thinking about past Warchiefs.

Pretty much. I get it, Anduin has Golden armor plot, but this is just gonna be reinforcing the Gary stu effect on Anduin if things turn out that everyone is just gonna be okay with Golden Boy High King’s decision.

What’s the point of Tyrande going “AWOL” from the Alliance war effort if it amounts to her just going back and bowing her head to a bloody 19 years old? He’s not his father who actually proved himself worthy of that position. Greymane still hasn’t gotten the support to take back his nation. Dwarves, Gnomes, Draenei seem to be the only races that are likely to be cool with the end of the War.

It’s kinda sad to just be a spectator of a story for which the direction can be influenced but its writer is flipping you off.


It genuinely irritates me how much work the PC puts in on Kul’tiras solving basically any and every problem just for Jaina to swoop in at the end. Didn’t even get a “thanks” in a cinematic. At least Talanji was helping solve problems in Nazmir.

Sweetheart, it’s Alliance problems. We shouldn’t worry about them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah and then I fixed all that.

Also Rezan dying isn’t a problem when you got the vastly superior Bwonsamdi was a replacement.

Just like Jaina, she did stuff off screen. Remember that even though we were stuck on the broken isles, the legion invasion was meant to be global. The Horde and Alliance forces were depleted from fighting the Legion, despite the main forces on the isles being class halls - not H+A.

Complain that they could have portrayed it better sure, but it still happened and they didn’t just mention it once.

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You’re speaking in the perspective of a person who plays this video game and has an outside perspective (reading PTR notes, wowpedia, youtube lore videos or books) which allow you to see behind the scenes, look into secret meetings and internal monologue of characters and their plans, plots and schemes. You have all the knowledge in your hands. You’re looking at what Sylvanas is showing to us basically out of character, not what she’s showing to the people of the Horde in-character.

You’re not thinking as if you’re Grug, an orc who has reached maturity around the age of twelve, brought up under a militaristic, brutal warrior culture based on dying on the battlefield before your pension kicks in, growing upon stories of the how the Alliance put your people in chains and want to see you and your society brought back to internment camps as slaves. His only real knowledge of who Sylvanas is that she is leader of the Forsaken, now Warchief, who saved the Horde and led them to a great victory against the Burning Legion, and once the war was over maintained the status quo of Horde society – letting orcs be orcs, tauren be tauren in relative peace without repeating a Garrosh tyranny. Then at Thordian’s Wall you learn your Warchief put down an Alliance conspiracy against the Horde who were betrayed at a peaceful gathering the Warchief hesitantly wanted to accept for fear of her own people being killed.

Now as the war rages you have learned Saurfang has abandoned the Horde and fled into exile, and by declaration of the Warchief made a traitor as a result. Then Grug learns Baine has betrayed the Horde, hearing he killed his own people to help the Alliance. Grug unfortunately couldn’t afford one of Gallywix’s ticket to see first hand what Baine had to say to his Warchief (neither sail to Kul Tiras to attend). While Grug may be confused why such heroes did these things, he only knows the official story given to him by the establishment.

Grug doesn’t know the inner workings of the Horde government, he doesn’t know about the plans Sylvanas or the others have. He’s not even really aware of the shadow war going on inside the Horde between Horde racial leaders and Sylvanas.

It shouldn’t be surprising why your average Horde guy is with their Warchief.


I imagine the average grunt is pretty similar to Geya’rah in terms of opinion? I.E, ‘I took an oath to the current Warchief and that’s the kind of “honour” that matters to me.’


We all know Blizzard aren’t this intricate or thoughtful with their writing

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What do you mean? It was said at the story q n a like a month ago that the average horde civilian is unaware of whats going on and that its almost legends to them