[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

That’s not really an excuse though regarding this discussion is it?

That’s the thing. This stuff wasnt shown in the game. Hence why people raised their eyebrows when Baine went. “WE vanquished the Legion! For the Horde!”, while we saw no faction involvement in the war against the Legion in the game, past the Prelaunch and Broken shore.

This is mostly due to the Devs not wanting or not able to, show the Legions assault on the whole of Azeroth. There where legion invasions planned for the Wetlands for example but it got scrapped. There are NPC’s telling us about the Legion attacking all over the World, like for example in the twilight highlands. It’s also said that Vol’jin opened up the underhold to provide shelter for Horde refugees during the War.

And the book completed the picture of the fact that there was a bigger war going out all around us, while we was busy with our Orderhalls. We as the player where just part of a very elite and small force during legion.

They told the Story of a giant World threatening event without even showing what the rest of the world was up to.


Why would anyone care about oaths? Everyone broke them a couple years ago. Geya’rah wasn’t there for Garrosh, but most others were.

I think that’s why you would care though tbh. You know, I don’t really want to repeat-the-past. I’m assuming quite a lot of the Garrosh faction during that conflict have been rehabilitated into the Horde too - we can’t have killed them all. Idk, don’t RP horde too extensively.

Most of my horde characters either don’t know all details about Sylvanas’s war crimes, don’t care or would rather see the war won before we start looking at things critically. Though if appearing of Thrall is going to be common knowledge, it might cause some reflection among some of them. To put things into perspective, there are still people seeing a certain comrade with a moustache as a positive person.

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The purpose of an oath is one of trust. ‘I will not betray these words, even if it would suit me better to.’

Once you have broken an oath, you have removed the point of further oaths, because now you have shown you are willing to break them.

It’s established in the Before the Storm novel.

The fault is on yours for using meta knowledge, rather than asking what you, or others would actually know in the setting. What is the fault of Blizzard is not bringing this to the forefront more often and actually do world building to help with story and roleplaying narrative.


And that’s the issue at hand here. The majority of players don’t read the novels. They get story updates by playing the game and the game is often massively lacking in bringing information to you the way outside sources do.


I guess. I am thinking of from a purely Orcish perspective and how they perceive honour. But I see your point. I think it’s pretty plain from Blizzard’s “writing” that some of the other Horde leaders don’t give a rats about personal loyalty to Slyvanas.

This. Let’s not forget how the entire setup for WoD was part of a novel. Cata as well, tbh.

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It’s shame that the outcome of these choices you make in the war campaign are probably being kept for the final chapter.

I do look forward to seeing what your choices build up to and what happens to those who remained loyal to Sylvanas. Although I wish the loyalists were more proactive right now or perhaps get an exclusive quest (the latter will probably be close to the finale of the war campaign).

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Its wierd because people who hold their characters so dearly are ready to position themselves in difficult situations without researching it or looking more into it. Perhaps they just don’t care about consequences, do what they feel is cool and hip at the time but can always retcon easily.

I for one have chosen to stand with my warchief, i’ve always accepted consequences and character death :slight_smile:


Probably Sylvie cackling madly and ranting of how you outlived your usefulness, rewarding you with an arrow to the chest. As you fade, Thrall finds and heals you, cue rebellion.

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Nothing. The PC always gets off without consequence, no matter what they do. Loyalist to Sylvanas or Thrall the end will be the same: Good work hero/champion/commander/dude. Now prepare for the next expansion as if this didn’t take place.

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Getting flagged for FFA PvP as a third faction and banding together to slaughter dishonourable scum until getting completely outnumbered would be a great way to send my character off.

In prison till the next expansion in-character until a sudden recruitment crisis hits because war.

You can’t punish a sword for the actions of its wielder.

Yep, at the end of the day WoW is always going to be a linear story-driven game. It’s more an “illusion of choice” scenario here than anything else here, though I would keep the possibility of a third faction in mind if Blizzard wasn’t too predictable and we already know this won’t happen.

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True words. Unfortunately.

Predictable being the sad keyword. But yes, I agree.

It’s always something interesting I’ve found concerning RPers and the lore. Somehow people know all of the circumstances of Baine being arrested, when in reality the quests ‘preparing’ for the meeting concern you chasing off any spectators.

To the average citizen or soldier, anyone who isn’t high command, Baine was arrested by betraying the Horde and due to no leaders contesting it, it’s simply assumed he did something wrong. Instead in the Valley of Honour I see people roaring at my Goblin ‘how could you be loyal to the Horde military!?’ proceeds to account how terrible I am with fine details of everything which has happened in BfA.