[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Spectators without tickets, that is.

If you had a ticket you could watch.


Most of my character don’t touch upon the subject of the faction conflict. I don’t wanna burden myself with the apparent blind hatred that seems to infect everyone.

I stayed neutral or just ignoring it altogether across most of them… For those who might, I just don’t touch them.

With the way people act OOC and how characters interact IC spreading this news (and accepting it as mere fact) seems to be the far easiest choice for everyone involved.

I mean, my character gets to both survive, look smart, be right AND get to tell those nasty loyalist RPers that they get to be arrested, hunted or executed! How can you refuse such a deal?

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Agree. And this goes no matter what side ones character is on. The most common IC knowledge of the events in BfA should - for most characters be “Uhm… I don’t really know much about it”.

Not saying that there can’t be rumours and confusion. Just… Detail knowledge? Really?

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In the particular case of Baine’s arrest I feel there is justification for it. Gallywix did sell tickets for it.

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Regarding the fact Baine was arrested, not what Baine did to get arrested. The latter is which seems to be common knowledge for every cynical rebel RP-er.

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True he did. But even so most characters would not have been there. And so the average character would know of second, third or fourth hand retellings of the event - if they know of how it went down at all. And that retelling would likely be filled with confusion and misstakes and lies and half truths and opinions. Just as often happends IRL.

Edit: Daelhad got there before me.

NPCs are allowed to be flawed or uneducated. They’re not all objective critical thinkers with an encyclopedic knowledge of the setting they’re in.

I’ve even see some people sneer at Magister Hathorel for daring to consider the pruge of Dalaran a tragedy, after everything the Horde has done to the Alliance. Maybe this magister’s not aware of half of the things that the Horde has done, or maybe they simply don’t care because of the personal tragedy they endured at the Alliance’s hands, being a Sunreaver?

Geya’rah’s gone through the same heckling, and so will any character that believes the Horde is justified in what it does, or that the Alliance is unjustified in what it does. And even if a character does turn out to be a hypocrite, that’s not actually such a big problem, is it? Characters should be allowed to have faulty logic and be capable of hypocrisy.


The horde isn’t allowed to feel wrong by the Alliance because an undead woman destroyed Teldrassil.

Elise Starseeker is in 8.2! And it seems they created a custom glasses model for her. Her eyes are normal night elf eyes, though.


She finishes, among other things, this quest:


To the average citizen Baine is a pretty big damn hero, I’d imagine?
I think it’s fair to say that people could be very dubious of what happened, even with the other faction leaders not taking action.
The tauren especially.


Yeah I can see why people would find Baine more trustworthy than Sylvanas.


Nice. She’s a cool customer from hearthstone.

Can’t wait for them to be player-available, right?


To the average onlooker they’re both war heroes. And one of them was arrested for treasonous actions alongside a recently raised Kul Tiran tidesage, while the rest of the Horde leaders did nothing.

It’s not a good look for Baine.


Except one is a sinister undead and the other is the leader of that one Horde race everyone likes?

Not even Garrosh liked Sylvanas.


Yeah and he was a villain. Why would I trust his judgement?

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My guildmates tell me these glasses already exist in the game, they just aren’t available to players. :frowning:

I do hope, though. My character idolizes Elise and has cosplayed as her a couple of times. For want of glasses, I used a monocle instead.

When someone is too bad even for the villains, isn’t that telling?


I was about to point out that the majority of the Horde is in fact not composed of well educated, perpetually news savvy people. Even the shal’dorei, for all their fancy culture, know basically nothing of the world beyond Suramar.

The average hordie doesn’t have a clue. Gullibility is its own issue but even if, let’s say, a majority know that Baine was arrested for treason, they probably fight over what exactly he did as they heard it from a friend’s cousin and they wouldn’t lie, don’t question their honour what did you say gorilla warfare pasta etc etc.

There are probably more opinions than facts floating around and the warchief being popular for leveling an entire enemy zone with intercontinental catapults isn’t crazy.


To be fair though, Garrosh didn’t really like anyone who is bot an orc. So it’s not really telling of anything.

I feel that as for opinions Levey most likely summed it up well.

Edit: Happy 900th to the topic.

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More points for Sylvanas; not in fact a racial supremacist alienating her allies. Sure, she’d want to exterminate all the humans but that’s cool beans to the orcs at least.

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