[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Well yeah it wasn’t so long ago that these Night Elves, were murdering peons for looking at trees, no warning, no threat, just arrow, Dead Orc.

Then they joined forces for with the guys who kept you and your dad and mum in chains, your dads only got one hand because they made him work in a mine with no supports.

Then when you were starving, when kids and old Orc were dying in the streets from malnutrion, the Night Elves just shot anyone trying to trade.

So what if their castle tree burned, couldn’t of happened to a bunch of nicer butt holes.

watches as my spiritualistic character of 5 years begins morphing into a spineless undead shill w/ the rest of his people


I don’t think she’s that dumb, she’d keep them around so they can have kids, then ‘harvest’ them into new Forsaken at a prime age…

Which depending on the downsides to undeath is kinda cool, having two lives like James Bond, okay skeleton James Bond, but two lives.

Thing about Sylvanas and the loyalty of the people that she enjoys is that it’s based in the people being kept in the dark. She references this if you side loyalist in Fate of the Saurfang where she lies to you about the Dark Ranger’s side objectives (she’s there to just track her down, but in reality she had a kill order to begin with no matter what the truth was) and to the people about how you need to remain golden in the eyes of the population, refusing to let you participate in Saurfang’s assassination attempt.

While we the players have been exposed to all the things she has done, the general population hasn’t. I’m sure people are increasingly agitated as more and more of the leaders turn on Sylvanas, but the people don’t really know the truth.

Except Lor’themar in 8.2 discovers the truth about Sylvanas, the war and N’Zoth. And he goes to tell his people about it. Will he tell rest of the Horde? We’ll see. So far Sylvanas has been riding on controlling the flow of information.


Well, of course. Future Warchief needs to keep the Horde as a whole informed, and I trust Lor’themar to consider all of the Horde’s peoples.


Thrall vs Lor’themar

But when he openly declares himself to be in rebellion with Saurfang and Thrall, how is he going to have the venues through which to educate the masses? His word becomes suspect by his political affiliation and the skeptics require tangible proof.

The smart move would be to tell everyone before declaring his allegiance to Saurfang and Thrall’s rebellion, not just the Sin’dorei.

Quite true. The average hordie is a mushroom in the current climate. Fed :cow2::poop: and kept in the dark.

Lack of objective information is probably true in Stormwind as well as in Orgrimar.

If the lack of soldiers and “soon sending peasants to war” is true, the Alliance leaders are probably not sending that info to the average citizen. Imagine the chaos if they did.

Obviously there are rumours and propaganda though. As there is in the horde camps. All in all much confusion and fear is probably what is going on no matter what side our characters are on.

Oh absolutely, it’s just that the core of misinformation on the red team is nakedly malevolent.

The Sunreaver Attack event now seems to have two different texts. One paints Jaina as more selfless and the other paints her as more bloodthirsty.

Why do I get a sneaking suspicion that the Loyalists won’t end up defending Baine but will be “told about it” (similar to the Dazar’alor raid) and the bloodthirsty version will be the Loyalist version of Jaina?

Because we couldn’t have her actually want to kill the Horde when facing them to their face.


Oh I wasn’t puting any moral value to it. Just trying to give my view on the context our characters are in.

Then again we seem to be in agreement on that context.

It’s a little irksome that Jaina and the night elves vengeance is depicted to be righteous and yet innocent Sunreavers wanting some form of payback for mass dispossession (and murder) is depicted as being villainous.

Blizzard’s moral compass is more broken than the story forums’.


The real villains were the Alliance we met along the way

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I’m not much interested in who’s the ultimate villain or who has the “greater accumulative sin”, just a little tired of the double standards re. Morality.

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I wish the ultimate vision was what we were presented with and then could pass judgement on, not different iterations of the same event that is purposefully kept vague by the writers.

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This is seriously bothering me more than most everything else has so far, to be honest.



Why is this being raised now? And why are the Sunreavers, who for the most part, did nothing wrong, are being made out to be the villains in all of this?

Nothing is making sense - if this had to be brought up, then this should have been raised in Legion, when Aethas and the Sunreavers were permitted entry back into Dalaran.


Me, an average member of the Horde.
“For the Earthmother!” I call out as I spray blight onto a Night Elf, watching him liquify before me.

I remove my goggles and look across the land, scorched and blighted, the corpses of the dead being raised as puppets.
I sighed proudly, in honour.


This, except sincerely.

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