[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

I’m going to be left disappointed and saddened when Azshara gets imprisoned/killed, but I quite like that she has eyes everywhere in Nazjatar and interjects the PC on their missions every once in a while.

Really excited for both Nazjatar and Mechagon.


Another threat approaching, and killed off…


Yes, but it wasn’t, and if vengeful sunreavers want to be villains standing in the way, placing hatred of Jaina over the wider Horde, let them be the burden they insist upon being.

Darkshore being blight bonanza is very much a narrative “show, don’t tell” in demonstrating what Sylvanas’ Horde does to a land that they conquer, designed to raise questions.

Or, ya know, it’s exactly what forsaken do and are expected to do since at least Wrath with the rest of the horde shifting nearly as uncomfortably as Aethas on the isle of thunder.


The cynical part of me wants to say it’s because, in the long term, Blizzard do not really have the guts to have the Alliance look truly bad. To have an atrocity attributed to them that is undeniable.
It’s why so many things tend to be portrayed as accidents, unintended, the work of some rogue agent (Taurajo), or even excusable in hindsight (Genn’s attack on the forsaken fleets in Stormheim).

Thing is, the blood elves and Lor’themar have huge reason to distrust Jaina, and by extension the Alliance, because they watched a repeat of their almost slaughter… but, well, do they have to keep being so uppity about it.


If I recal the forsaken were supposed to stop the production of blight and lied about it. Did the rest of the horde even react to the use of it?

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I’m pretty sure our boy Garrosh stopped caring. I mean, who’d want to travel to such a horrible place “and it’s foul stench!”

Based and canonpilled


It’s hilarious to me that this Sunreaver Purge seems to be called back upon while in the meantime the blood elves are allied with the very same orcs and undeath that marched upon their kingdom, burned half their forest and in the case of the undeath, raised their death.

But when a independent, non-Alliance nation decides to purge the blood elves, it’s a unforgivable sin for which the entire human race must pay.


orcs not the very same orcs, but still the ones that revere and name their capital after the orc that ordered the sacking of Quel’thalas and allied with their ancestral enemies.

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Sylvanas was kind to them! Sort of…kind of…held their kingdom under blackmail in order for them to establish bases and contacts in Northrend, even though they had just fought a civil war with the Sunfury Elite…hmmm…but, still was kind to them and helped them…oh boy…:sweat:

Uh, or just Jaina, the one who instigated it and carried it out.

If you think the BElves should be angry at Orgrim Doomhammer then sure, but he’s a bit corpsey (and not the brooding grim kind).


The way they are painting Sunreavers as evil is so dumb that I can’t even.

Magister Hathorel: Ah. Right on schedule as Sylvanas knew you would be.
Jaina: We do not wish to end any more lives. Let us take Baine and go.
Magister Hathorel: No, Traitor. Lady Proudmoore. Do you remember me?
Magister Hathorel: I am Magister Hathorel, one of the many innocent Sunreaver mages you sicced your Silver Covenant dogs upon.
Jaina: There was more violence than I had wished, but it was the Sunreavers who betrayed us, first.
Magister Hathorel: A few who were following the orders of their lawful Warchief. As I do now.
Jaina: I will hold the barrier. Kill them!

“The betrayal is justified because warchief told us to do it.”
Has the writer of this lost their mind completely?


Nah, just a little bit. :>

No one calls Jaina out on her lies because she’s too perfect and amazing and I vomit.


They were under demonic influence, then they amicably settled their differences and now fight beside each other.

They were under mind control, then they amicably settled their differences and now fight beside each other.

Led by an Alliance-aligned figure who remains Alliance-aligned to this day, who the magister in question personally has a chip on their shoulder against, and who doesn’t even apologise for or try to justify their actions, who the Sunreavers are still at war against with absolutely zero amicable settling of differences.

You might have had a point if Magister Hathorel was incinerating an innocent human settlement and shouting “This is for the Sunreavers!” at the top of their lungs.

Instead, Magister Hathorel is confronting the exact person responsible for the Purge of Dalaran, who wasn’t under any sort of influence when they ordered the Purge of Dalaran, and seeks revenge for what that person did during the Purge of Dalaran.


An excellent indicator of show but don’t tell, gotta give them credit for that, but as Horde we support the Warchief, we don’t raise questions here!

Now if you’ll excuse me I have a batch of poisoned brew that I am going to distribute to some Alliance orphans.

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It’s okay, Blight is now Morally Good because the Alliance used it in Nazmir and anything the Alliance does is Correct (see: Magic Bones Anduin for further details).

Don’t forget Elenthas’ favourite private time reading material – the executions of civilian doctors. :triumph: :triumph: Nothing rubs the honour bone better.

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She came at me first. It was self-defense.

Such a horrible person for not assuming that the infamous bloodsoaked butcher of the Horde had good intentions at a civilian hospital.

Maybe we should have tried greeting the Legion with flowers as well.

okay, but if you could use that as an in-game title, you totally would.

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