[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Leave it in the green bin outside because Nathanos is asleep all day

Taurajo’s caused enough outrage by having a tauren NPC refer to it in 8.1.5.

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Who does that? :o

Oh it’s referred to by an NPC? What NPC, where and when? o.o

The Leatherworking Tool-of-the-Trade NPC mentions it.


"When I heard that the Alliance attacked Dazar’alor, I couldn’t help but think of those lost when they attacked Camp Taurajo. No longer can I sit idly while they continue to slaughter us! "

He’s a cool guy.


Elensette the All-Knowing.

Ty senpai.

We are becoming Roxas.

N’zoth: “Take this to your faction leader. Nothing bad will happen, I promise.”
Champion: “Okay, I believe you.”


It was Ventus first ya HACK.

yea yea :raised_hand:

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Wish the new armor sets, mainly plate ones, didn’t have coral things on them…
So they could be used as a normal good armor set…

Virgin adventurers vs chad zombie pirate deckhand mobs

what if i told you there was a way to go back … before all of this … to a time before the story was flanderised … a pristine land uncorrupted by the terrible writers ActivisionBlizzard employs today … a time where everything made sense … a time before …

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Warcraft 3: Reforged isn’t out until like…Christmas time probably.


Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll find a way to screw that one up as well.

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" Why do you want to go back in time? Life isn’t about going back, it’s about going forward. Yes, there are times in our life that we wish we could relive, but, if we already lived them perfectly, why live them again? The adventure of life is that there’s always something new. New challenges, new experiences. A fun game is a game that gets harder as it goes. So it is with life. Do you understand?"

– Diane Choksondik.

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I must wait that long…

No, the Forsaken were also to search for a cure to undeath, it’s why tauren let them join the Horde in the first place, this has been gone since Cata, which is a shame nobody reacted to it yet.


Reforged has some damn ugly models, really going with the oversized shoulders

And undersized heads…

looks at Arthas model

the models really don’t have the wc3 feel to them