[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Nooo… I lost the 1000th post…

The same reason King Rastakhan got slaughtered: The Horde collaborated with the Voldunai to secure the place against the Faithless / whoever else who conspired against Zandalar. Then some morally dubious commander of the Alliance forces went “Yeah, no, their caravans supply the local Horde and Zandalari forces, time to get rid of these furry bastards”.

I don’t understand why anyone can’t accept this when we have void elves raising the children of Zandalari gods as void aberrations to demoralize the locals in Zuldazar and have Voidzilla rampage across their beast taming park. When did potential hypocrisy or two-sided representation of soldiers in both factions hinder either side’s storytelling or potential for RPing concepts?

You have to be ridiculously stupid to not see the benefit of these in-game events and just parrot your personal narrative of lawful good justice league Blue vs. comic book villain Red that the faction war could have been if not for these instances.


And this is, honestly, one of the problems with BfA. While some things about its story are fundamentally broken, others could be improved with just a little polish that wouldn’t take much effort. The problem is that it seems they aren’t even trying.


Worth remembering that Alliance quest dialogue explicitly has you scaring Vulpera off, and avoiding any actual harm. Which makes the actions of the purge squads more dubious and probably unauthorized.


On the other hand, the vulpera incident proved to enhance my Alliance knight’s RP and make him contemplate on his values and what kind of a soldier he wishes to be when he witnessed the 7th Legion he had for years low-key idolized pull that off and it sparked some really nice RP with other people.

Your faction doing bad things doesn’t need to ruin your story. The internal conflict it can spawn makes for some very engaging RP if you decide to play with what you’re given instead of renouncing it as not fitting your view of how X should be.


Warcraft theme music stops


My only gripe with these things is how some people immediately start acting like it is the rule and not the exception but otherwise I agree with Telaryn’s post.

It’s a consistent issue with Alliance storytelling which is steadily getting worse. I was levelling a Kul Tiran through the Cata revamp zones as an example, and even ignoring the various pretty horrible things that happen in the Southern Barrens alone (Taurajo, Stonespire tribe, an emissary causing the death of a peace-loving general and misrepresenting his wishes, and a group of dwarves killing over artifacts they could easily have abandoned), one thing stood out.

You help a gnome create a miniaturised steam tank, and a Dwarf pilots it. He drives backwards into a piece of scaffolding, and kills three humans (there’s an explosion, and the workers drop down and die).

The reaction to this? The gnome says, “I should mention I reversed the gearbox to accommodate the small form-factor.” No mention is made of the fact that three people have just died due to this mistake.

This is the rule, not the exception. The Alliance does something that could be considered dubious - particularly now with the introduction of the Dark Iron Dwarves and Void Elves, but nobody makes mention of it. There’s no conflict that arises. The leaders are simultaneously morally perfect and also don’t reign in those who aren’t - or are given stringent apologetics for how it’s actually justified to massacre your way through civilians in a golf course.


Purge squad was a PTR only thing, and was changed before release so non-canon ultimately.

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They only changed the name


Well whatever they’re called now they’re breaking the explicit order to scare the Vulpera away rather than attack them. The NPC’s still exist but it’s debatable if they’re actually adhering to Alliance policy.


Yes there is a benefit from these events, and there has been some excellent roleplay from the conflict generated by this, on Horde side at least, but you have to be equally as stupid to not notice that blizzard are pushing their narrative.

If we’re looking at how the writing goes, The Horde support Sylvanas for her actions. You can jokingly call any dissenters snowflakes but the same can be said of what is happening in the Alliance. They have void elves and Lightforged, two factions that should be at each others throats! Instead you got Umbric being fist-bumped by a Lightforged after raising a void-a-saurus rex and completing the mission.

There are plenty of other examples, Stonetower has a few.

At the very most the only negative thing we see is that a lot of Alliance soldiers die and it wears on blue eyed crying angel face perfect boy Anduin, and his magic bones.

From the sounds of it Alliance rp’ers are drawing their own conflict from it in RP, but most likely the lack of writing and feedback about it probably indicates that everyone SHOULD be okay with it?

It’s not that people are doing bad things that ruin the story, that usually enhances it, but everything is done in such a namby-pamby limp wristed way as to not bring conflict onto the Alliance side, and as for Horde we probably need to take Prozium and not question where our glorious leader is taking us.

Undercity should have been attacked first, Alliance could have had conflict from warmongers like Genn and Rogers, Teldrassil would be retaliation, Sheng would have brought marshmallows, on a really long stick.

The ensuing bloodthirsty conflict could still have people question if they were going too far, but still have plenty of animosity that we’re not having Horde attend bake sales in Pandaria while a nelf druid hands out roofied wine.

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Sounds like goblin slapstick gag #34534644 that they accidentally handed to a gnome instead.


It makes perfect sense for goblins - I loved when Hobart Grapplehammer’s response to his men being tortured and killed by witches was, “Aw, bummer! That’s no good.”

Apparently gnomes are also irredeemable sociopaths.


You have to remember that the vulpera won’t just stop all by themselves. They’re going to resist, and the Alliance aren’t just going to let the vulpera stab them in the gut either.

As they should, since they are being attacked.

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Wasn’t it the case that gnome minds cannot reflect on the past as they’re hardwired to look ahead with their eyes on the prize? In this case, scientific and engineering progress rather than introspection?

It means they don’t keep records, among other things. Where goblins falter in pursuit of profit and lack of forethought, gnomes falter in a lack of consideration of consequence and precedent.

They both arrive at the same point if being “comically” inept geniuses bumbling their way into space. The goblin rocket has too much fuel and blows up in orbit but the gnome rocket reaches the moon, leaving the astronaut stranded with a genetically engineered giant chicken for sustenance.


The Alliance are attacking the Vulpera because Blizzard wants to give Vulpera an extra reason for them to hate/fight the Alliance. Cue Vulpera as an allied race for Horde :slight_smile:

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The hype is real.

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Hmm yes this is an acceptable reason.
Continue on with the Purge full speed ahead, get those Vulpera into the Horde.