[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

UwU Elenthas-chan, is that a new waifu material at the Bazaar


Do you need a doctor?

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Ugh, while I’m looking forward to the end of the expansion, I’m already riling at the thought of how they’re going to conclude this faction war.

It’s gonna be terrible, that much I can predict… How bad is it gonna be is the real question.


The war is greater than ever. The fighting has never been stronger. The conflict has never been bloodier.

Now make friends with these Alliance characters so that you can dig up “archaeology” trash for them.

Thanks, I hate it.

Edit: So not all the Visitor quests have been added yet and some of them just have quests but not NPCs. From the text though you’re gonna be helping (so far):
Some Alliance gnomes (Razak’s Roughriders, originally Blade’s Edge)*
The Explorer’s League
and a Booty Bay pirate (DeMaza).

*“Horde or Alliance don’t matter, you’re with the Roughriders today. Let’s kill some bugs!”

They have always been portrayed as opposite to goblins in a rather literal sense.

Goblins churn out new tech very quickly. Their tech may be slapstick and held together by nails and chewing gum, but if you want a doomrocket to blow up that naga base and you want it yesterday, they can get the job done. Sure, there is a significant risk of catastrophic failure and accidental deaths are likely, but they make that rocket and they do it fast.

Gnomes are extremely introspective. They are obsessed with overengineering and testing their inventions again and again, more than might be really necessary. They build reliable machines (can’t gamble with their tiny population) but it is slow and expensive to compensate.

Wrong franchise

Let’s be honest, building doomrockets is perfectly in character for goblins.

It’s called a reference, you barbarian. :frowning:

Less warpstone, more azerite. I see it happening.

I’ve seen Sneaky Pete on Mechagon during the PTR (whilst I was on an Alliance char) and Short John Mithril, the guy from the Gurubashi arena. I’ve also seen a picture of one of Madam Goya’s operatives on Mechagon.

The idea that gnomish engineering is inherently more reliable than goblin engineering is headcanon and isn’t really supported by anything. We see gnomish tech malfunction on the regular with zany side effects, and even in Before the Storm they talk it out how their engineering really isn’t all that different in the end (on the contrary, they’re very compatible together) and a lot of it comes down to misconceptions and prejudice.

The aesthetics are different because of different values, but their tech is just as (un)realiable.


Yeah gnome chics just prefer goblin guys…

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They really are not comparable. Remember the zeppelins and their track record? Gnomes simply have nothing that comes close.

The extreme unreliability of goblin tech is ubiquitously displayed in-game. Gnome tech is often portrayed as eccentric but it’s still worlds apart.

…Zeppelins are incredibly common, widely used and applied as a means of transportation and machines of war.

For all the flaws and problems they have, they still get the job done better than apparently any gnomish alternative.

Gnomish tech also fails/is often unreliable. However, it is arguably far less volatile than goblin tech is. This is reflected in the engineering profession.

Lack of alternatives doesn’t excuse the pilots talking about crashes as a regularity.

It’s clearly driven home for comedic effect but it’s still there.


I don’t remember any other goblin pilot talking about the dangers of Zeppelin travel, save for him.

More importantly, Zeppelins seem relatively safe- After all, if a pilot can crash their machine +20 times a row and live to tell the tale, that tells you that it’s actually not as bad as you’d think.

Remember when Arthas hired zeppelins to assault Quel’thalas?

I remember.

Would it have been so hard to make sure all the visitors are neutral instead of a faction being forced to do quests for the enemy?

No I am just embracing what will happen on AD EU, if vulpera become an allied race

licks u in rp


I nervously lick ur cheek