[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

haha what a post Sharon! I sometimes eat my dirt with wine… feeling tipsy LOL! :wine_glass: :nail_care:


I don’t think so. You can’t use mounts everywhere.

So in a Forbes interview the devs talk about how the faction war is “integral” to the series.

Welp. Already less interested in what happens next. I can’t want to see which character goes 110% aggressive, gets manipulated by a third party or goes ballistic over a convinient misunderstanding in 9.0.


Faction war 3: Another Horde Warchief conducts genocide.

It really isn’t MoP this time, I promise.


After Warchief Baine/Saurfang is fatally stabbed by a void minion, he lays dying on his throne and says “The earthmother/spirits told me that Trade Prince Gallywix must be Warchief. Many will not understand, but that’s how Blizzard writing works.”

Later on Gallywix decides to fire the Bilgewater Cannon unprovoked at Ironforge for reasons, destroying the entrance and causing the inside (along with all the people) to collapse into the lava down below.


I just double checked the part in question. Basically it’s regarding faction balance issues in raiding and PvP and how Alliance’s raiding scene is basically floating belly up in the water.

When pressed for a solution they acknowledge people might want to play with their friends and that it might fix all these issues, bit then quickly pull the weakest lore card I have ever seen.

So it’s not directly story or narrative related at least but it’s damn weird as usually they bulldoze lore for the sake of gameplay whenever they feel like it. But as soon as it comes to the factions apparently that’s offlimits to alter even if it would benefit gameplay… I’m just irked that’s where they choose to draw the line.

I can only assume there’s a lot of spaghetti code blocking them from doing anything crossfaction. Wouldn’t be the first time they put up a weak excuse to cover for the fact they outright can’t do it.


Unironically based


probably yeah

with this story who knows anymore


I wish this lore had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.


That I agree. I wish they could just make us wake up one day and realize that BfA was just a long dream after being exausted from fighting the Legion.

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Owww. That’s a cruel insult.

So do all who lived to see such lore.

Nah, at least todd howard can be funny

Let’s be honest, it went downwards way before that

Right next to khadgar, my silver fox grooming headcanon confirmed!


Insider secrets but there isn’t. There -really- isn’t. The fact the crossfaction communication problem was fixed with a handwave is just them flag waving there is basically a binary switch for which faction the game considers you in.

Heck even as far back as TBC with the zombie invasion we knew the faction basis was literally a 1 or a 0 or as the zombie faction showed the potential “nil”.

I could go into more depth about how absurd and paperthin the actual game mechanics for the faction barrier are but I am not entirely sure this is the place to discuss them without hawk-eyed predators swooping on me.


This is how abilities get removed from the game. Be quiet or they’ll hear you.

haha this sucks man

Even considered Death Knights and Shaman can now have both waterwalking and not be dazed?

Other classes still have to make a choice, though.

EDIT: God, you guys are so full of negativity, it’s almost making me depressed.


So did I get this right, that Baine is kept in Garrosh’s old superbunker underneath Orgrimmar? Is Sylvanas by any chance also hoarding weapons of war there? Alongside her old god fascination?

Cant say I am to hyped for this patch lore wise. Atleast we’ll maybe get a buddy cop adventure with Bro’Themar and Nathan? They can outfrown each other.

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