I’d like the Mechagnomes more if their cybernetics also covered their chests. Instead of looking like nuggets with robo limbs.
Metal plates on the chest, tubes, etc etc
I’d like the Mechagnomes more if their cybernetics also covered their chests. Instead of looking like nuggets with robo limbs.
Metal plates on the chest, tubes, etc etc
That, by itself, makes it more interesting for me, because it sounds hilarious.
beta tribe
The Virgin Rivermane v the Chad Drogbar.
Rivermane are awesome.
I like how all HM tribes are so diverse and have this interesting symbiosis going between them. It makes for awesome and rich RP. Wish the Kalimdor tribes were as fleshed out though.
I just want Vulpera so I can RP Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank.
Mechagnomes at first I found dissapointing since it means no snakebois, but on reflection I think gnomes deserve some love. They’re like tauren in that they tend to be forgotten about and kicked around to serve other races in their faction. I like them far more than VElves though (Who are FAR more popular than they have any right to be but I guess people really, really, really wanted BElves but Alliance).
I still want my snakes though.
I’m probably going to play a vulpera if they become an AR. The potential to play a species that isn’t a troll being devoted to a loa like Sethraliss (and potentially something like a monk) sounds great to me, and I like the idea of joining / trying to join Zandalari guilds to bring about a united Zandalar.
That sounds fun.
Since you asked, I repeat; it’s an established thing that she does since WC3, limited only by the power of Almighty Plot. Similar, viable solutions to problems are similarly restricted by said power despite making sense within the setting.
The problem lies in it being misused by bad writers, collapsing otherwise robust narratives. I’d rather see Alliance pull off a stealth mission like the Horde with the Stockade but they went with Jaina’s mass teleport.
It’s pretty much my main gripe with the story telling direction, I often compare it to comic-books (superman mostly) because the consistency and abilities of a character changed to fit whatever narrative is being told (just like superman). While Jaina barreling in on a giant magical skyship is a cool cinematic moment, it’s a bit “eh” when you start to ask why she doesn’t do this more often.
This is all Blizzard cares about.
If you think about the how and the why, you are not the target audience.
I mean that magical skyship was not a cool cinematic moment, it knocked me right out of the groove and made me wonder what the hell was going on. There are so many ways you could have reintroduced Jaina in a cool way, flying a skyship through the air with magic and arcane broadsiding the walls was a bit weird.
“Uh, yeah, wizards did it.”
This point is surprisingly spot-on when you consider we speak of Jaina hehe.
Cooldown, apparently
On Twitch the new Saurfang cinematic seems to have been leaked. So Thrall (who looks like green movie Durotan) meets Saurfang in Nagrand? I really hope that is true!Put the link together to see what I mean since I can’t post actual links.
https: //clips .twitch.tv/DifficultSparklyBatPartyTime
Why does every cinematic now have to focus on one character having the same interaction with different NPCs?
Does Saurfang mean to tell literally everyone on Azeroth that he wants HIS HORDE BACK!!! and also record it all for the viewing public
Click-friendly version: https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultSparklyBatPartyTime
Saurfang totally wont be the good guy for the Horde in the end.
Thanks for that! But yeah, DuroThrall in HD Nagrand? Damn those feels.
I think Blizzard is just ramming it home Horde players are supposed to be on Saurfang’s side, and getting increasingly pissy that people arent taking the hint.
I really badly want one of these cinematics to actually focus on someone else: Sylvanas, Anduin, anyone. I have no problem with the cinematics, they’re fantastically made and they feel like a snippit from a movie… But three times in a row focusing mainly on Saurfang? There are more characters in the Warcraft universe than Jaina for in-game cutscenes, and Saurfang for movie-quality cutscenes.