[spoilers] 8.2 Rise of Azshara discussion thread

Is that sunreaver king Theoden?

Zepplin flies over Boralus

Jaina: ”Aw **** here we go again.”

huh, so they end up freezing hathorel instead of killing.

tbh personally okay with it. more horde characters of varying signifance surviving = good thing.

Shame she couldn’t have frozen the Sunreavers in Dalaran tbh instead of killing them.

Wouldn’t surprise me but also wouldn’t surprise me if not.

He was supposedly the VA who did Tirion, but I don’t think that was ever confirmed, and Blizz can get decent soundalikes (Lei Shen isn’t actually Christopher Lee) who aren’t the big names you thought they were.

Although while looking this up I did find that the guy who plays Sam Tarly in GoT also voiced this random kul tiran thin human https://wow.gamepedia.com/Marten_Webb


Tbh, it’s nice to see the writers giving some recongnition to that Jaina actually did go on a killing spree and that it had consequences.


Which at least gives me some certainty that I was right in portraying Dari’s reaction to the whole ordeal as “What the hell, Jaina?” He always did view it was an extremely rash and foolish response to the Sunreavers turning to Garrosh. Particularly given the loss of life involved. He quietly believes a lot of bloodshed and hatred could have been avoided if a proper investigation was conducted into the matter, but instead Jaina basically made a power grab and tossed Dalaran into the Alliance, using the bodies of blood elves to do it. His perspective of course.

I’m just surprised it was brought up again at all. But then a ton of BfA is making call backs to MoP. And by call backs I mean NPCs literally quoting it. And by quoting it I mean the writers are beating us over the head with “OH BOY THIS SURE SEEMS FAMILIAR HUH”.


With the MOTHER situation, with essences, will the dragons become more empowered again
 Or at least able to not die out.

When the guys who stole the divine bell and went to cause havoc in Teldrassil were all killed but you still kill everyone who opposes your mass incarceration and dispossession. But then when the guys are still angry years later they’re painted as villains for being angry at mass incarceration, murder and dispossession.

It’s okay to conduct China/North Korean antics if you’re the Alliance. :sunglasses: :+1:

Yeeeah that whole situation was, remarkably, more ‘morally grey’ than anything we’ve seen in BfA. But also really damn awkward in a lot of ways.

“ThE KiNG seNT uS To SaVe hIs FRiEND”

This annoys me soooooo much.

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I wouldn’t even mind that at this stage. Make the Dragon Isles the next expansion’s continent where the Twilight and Infinite Dragonflight are messing with what they can, certain dragonflights choose to side with factions and others are just hostile to everyone because the isles are their holy grounds or whatever

Anything to whir away from the current dumpster fire that’s the overarching story of this expansion.


There’s a surprising number of GoT actors involved in Drustvar voicing NPCs tbh. P. cool.

That actually sounds super fun. could have each zone based off one of the flights.

Bronze: different beloved minor villains have been brought back as champions of the infinite flight. ends with a raid where you fight them all until doing a final battle at the literal end of the universe against the Infinite flight current leader

Green: The Dream is starting to heal again thanks to the druids but the Twilight flight are trying to create a new nightmare that turn creatures all around azeroth into abominations to serve the Void

Black: Help the current Hierarchy stop a rebellion of Black Dragons who want to resurrect Deathwing. Could also have a raid in this zone with a Harmonculus lesser Deathwing who we have to destroy before it gets to it’s full power.

Red: The red flight has been helping to Heal azeroth’s wounds but the twilight flight want to stop them and so they steal some relic that the red flight was using to heal the wound and we’ve got to get it back.

Blue: Twilight Flight are trying to corrupt arcane sources or something and make their magic more powerful. we have to kick their butts before they make every arcane user insane.

Unto the real question i wanted to ask before I saw Dargeus’ post:
Any word of the vulpera yet, we’ve got plenty on Mecha Gnomes.


I’d love a dragon themed expansion. I vaguely recall a fanmade thing for a dragonsworn class that sounded fun in theory, if someone remember better than I with a link? I think there was one spec per flight color, with Black tank, Green or Red heal and the others dps?

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Black tank, red heal, bronze and blue dps. Green wasn’t included, twas on mmochamp.

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Maybe they should’ve spent the VA budget on hiring a story coordinator.


Found the one I had seen! I won’t lie, I’d play that (Particularly if you get a drake flight form); I can see my arcane mage joining the Blue, if they don’t pull a Malygos II.

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Earthwarder is the tank spec for Shamans.