[SPOILERS] Eternal Palace - New Cinematic

He who killed Argus the unmaker somehow is also tricked by a voidy boi and voidy knaifu.

I’d rather that the universe acknowledged us as a force of chaos with unmatched strength that does anything for power, loot and gold… You can’t be a selfless hero of the Alliance/Horde, a traitor, the destroyer of old gods but also their liberator…

Basically… We’re Mary Sues.

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You literally just found this out?

My lawd.

No, but it was necer this hamfisted in our faces before.

Can we again talk about how 10-25 of us actually stood our ground and killed a -Titan- And bested two(the one we kill included). Yes, we did get some help from the titans with ressurection and some encouraging words, but still.

How are the player characters -not- a world thread on their own at this point, or why is the war even a problem? Send one of the “heroes” over into the capitol city and your faction has an instant victory when we can litterally take down the strongest physical beings in the cosmos.

Still waiting for the expansion where we are the final boss of the raid as the single greatest threat on Azeroth.

A one man/woman killing machine that dispatches world ending threats on a regular basis and is often summoned by the highest authority in the land to do their bidding. If I was the Horde warchief right now, I’d be gunning for that Alliance champion about now.

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Nah. That’d be good writing. Blizzard doesn’t have the ressources for that.

You know… Indie company.

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Final boss of wow is literally just a BG.

Aggramar wasn’t a full titan, he had an Avatar body.

Argus wasn’t a fully born Titan, and was probably weakened as fudge after the all the millenia of torture.

The final boss of wow will be super ultra big baddie that transcends existence itself, and the fight is just a massive progression bar. You can contribute to the bar by either getting 8000’s of an epic BoP drop item from the previous mythic raid final boss, but it has a 0’1% droprate, and 1 stack of 8k gives 1% on the progression bar.

Or by paying 14,99 $.

Or arguably the strongest, since he was raw brutish strength and just pure rage. Still a titan regardless of which strength though.

I’d like to Think that he held back and let us kill him.

I mean, he had asked for help already, and he wanted Death at this point

Even so, we stood against a titan and lived(until the random instakill)

As well against two avatars of two of the strongest titans in raw strength.

We have passed Dragonball Z levels of power. Our footsteps alone should cause like 12 sunderings on Azeroth.

We can flip our Powers on and off, just so we dont cause that. :slight_smile:

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A trope I love about WoW raid fights is when they add named chad NPC’s to the fight to assist you, who in real terms contribute almost nothing to the actual fight.

Was watching the stream of the Azshara fight and was like “Is that a hunter pet wailing on Azshara?” No, it was Lorthremar poking her with his sword ineffectively. Then I noticed Thalyssra shooting some arcane bolts over.

Good of them to be there, but I’d love to see what kind of dps numbers they pull considering one of them is an actual raid boss in Silvermoon.


We’ve still killed:
Two Elemental Lords
Basically an entire dragonflight
Four dragon aspects (!)
Two Old Gods (!!!)
The Eredar lords of the burning legion (multiple times)
The Lich King
The Sha
The Thunder King
and an artificial Old God.

And even then I’m only hitting the high notes. Defeated Odyn multiple times, killed world-destroying genesaurs, Hakkar the Soulflayer, Gruul, a Void God or two…there’s a lot that you could add to the list.

I saw Jaina flinging glacial shards. I bet she’s not putting out the numbers she was when she was a raid boss. Probably half-assing it.


Then at the end, much like Tirion or Grom, they hog -all- of the credit.

I prefer that above us bieng the literal Gods we are.

Our characters are probably more powerful then the Light and Void itself too, making us the forces of creation, instead of the Light and Void.

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She’s that one raid member who you know can perform well, but some nights they just cba and they’re dragging everyone down and talking :poop: in discord instead of paying attention.

That Azshara fight would be over in a heartbeat if any of those three actually put their back into it.

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A gronn.

The Thundelords killed dozens of 'em on Draenor, probably even a Magnaron.
They couldn’t defeat Gruul, but we had better Equipment than they had at the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lot’themar is that guy who would show up but was actually just playing bejeweled or peggle using the bejeweled or peggle addons.

Jaina is currently obsessed with a dumb gimmick spec she claims is better but there’s absolutely no evidence of that.

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