[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Why do female worgens have 16 different faces.

Could go both ways in this case. Humans heard one side of the story and decided to not take chances(what was the difference between Forsaken and Scourge at that point for them?) or they couldā€™ve known but decided to off the Forsaken Ambassadors to make war and have them be able to reclaim Lordaeron later on!(which would be a more interesting story-point from my POV anyways)

If the next expansion is atleast somwhat better then this one, this ought to make my brother feel any better because then he can use the RAF/SoR on me and get his extra mount/transmogā€¦!(Last I heard RaF and SoR are getting fused into one and the same thing, anyways!)

This should make both Tauren and Night Elf (Druids) very, very happy! :smiley:

I know right?

Iā€™m peeved with it. But I didnā€™t expect anything better.

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Updated faces + updated faces with glowing eyes. Males will have the option to not have eye glow as well.

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I got to admit; story-wise I hold zero love for the Forsakenā€¦ But I know, from a players PoV; I wouldnā€™t want to trade places with you! Why?

Youā€™re current leaders are Sylvanas Windrunner(Blood Elf model) and Nanthanos Blightcaller(Human model)ā€¦ And with how it looks? Calia and Derek will be your next leaders/heroes, both of which have Human modelsā€¦ And whatever anyone says about the Night Elves, atleast our leaders/heroes and Minor Heroes look like damn Night Elves(Tyrande, Malfurion, Jarod, Shandris, Maiev) and even our enemies(Forsaken ā€œheroesā€) look like Night Elves(Delaryn, Sira)ā€¦ So yeaā€¦

How bad as we got it, atleast our (minor) heroes look like our damn freaking raceā€¦

(ofcourse Ysera is an exception because Dragon Aspect, but even then she looks partially like a Night Elf except for the basic-model)

Yep, thatā€™s how its been forever.

Nathanos wasnā€™t a ā€œmainā€ forsaken character until legion where; whoops! He now has a human model.

Its all been Sylvanas bloody Windrunner with her various elf bodies.

I remember being very angry with Nathanosā€™ new model in Legion. But its gotten worse.

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Seems multiple ā€œimportantā€ dragons like Chromie, Ebonhorn, Kalecgos got voice-overs alongside Magni and M.O.T.H.E.R.

So 3/5 characters are dragons so Dragon Isles are basicly around the corner now! :stuck_out_tongue:

I got to be honest. This is the only thing I feel sorry for the Forsaken about. the fact that Blizztard seems incapable of having them have an actual racial leaders who looks like them due to their Elf and Human fetish.

Honestly? I wish Derek actually looked like a Elunedamn person who has been semi-rotting on the bottom of the sea to actually make him look like some kind of weathered down Forsaken Sea-admiral(not faction leader)ā€¦ What do we get, tho? a nearly intact Human being with a grey freaking skin because freck logic! And even when talking about Sylvanas herself; if they made her look like how she is described she would look way more Forsaken instead of this teenage fantasy of a fappable Elven chick. Nanthanos had a nice appearance in Vanilla and even TBC, they only had to upgrade his appearance to a higher standerd, but nooooo lets upgrade him to be basicly hummie #1412412412312 because flip the Forsaken and their appearanceā€¦ It still pisses me off to this day, because I started with the Forsaken as my favorite race, when that changed to Night Elves because of reasons; Forsaken still held and hold a solid second place right up until Legion when (B)lizzard decided to change their whole story due to their leader and not have anyone on the Horde nor Alliance blink twice about itā€¦ ;-;

When I wanted undead paladins back in cataclysm, it certainly wasnā€™t like this.


I wouldā€™ve been 100% for ā€œUther the Duskbringerā€(alongside Archnecromancer Faol) and his Knights of the Ebon Handā€¦ Basicly Paladins, but replacing their ā€œHolyā€ spells with either Void or Necromantic spellsā€¦

I like to think I was not th only one with this fantasy.

(Changed 10% to 100%, excuse mi)

Curiosity compels me to ask: why do you think it was ā€œrandomlyā€?

EDIT: to stay on topic, I like the new male Worgen models! Not sure what to feel about the female models, but male are in a good spot.

Wrathion and Calia Menethil look a little off to me - their style doesnā€™t feel very Warcraft-y to me.

Because they have been good neighbourse since WarIII, and even when relationships went south in Cataclysm, the Kaldorei allowed them to have Azshara to farm their woodā€¦ Only to have them point the whole damn Horde at all their lands 2 years later?

And thats even without mentioning the fact that the Kaldorei did their best to give the Horde lumber(in their own way, because the Wisp and Kaldorei donā€™t like killing treeā€™s for free lumber, as fast as they could)ā€¦ And somehow and for some reason that wasnā€™t fast enough for a Horde not really at War and that decided to live in a desert after they got literally fought out of Azshara and Ashenvaleā€¦?

Basicly they had a proper trade-treaty with the Kaldorei, it didnā€™t go as fast as they wanted, Kaldorei got tricked(basic excuse for any Horde race, especially Orcsā€™) into blaming the Orcs for the manslaughter of Cenarion Druids; Hordeā€™s reactions? Lets proof them right instead of wrong and just invade all their lands, their sacred forests and claim those lands because freck them even if theyā€™re fooled as much as we were.

tfw lightforged undead will be an actual thing


Yeah I donā€™t like this Calia business at all.

  1. Worgen models look cool, BUT:

a) I donā€™t like the new walk animation of the male model. Old one looked much cooler imo. New one is just hunched walk.

B) Male model is still hunched. Like, come on.

  1. Calia should be completely retconned. Itā€™s a lore abomination of the highest level. Iā€™ll take void elves over this crap any day.

  2. I hope Ebonhorn beats the crap out of Wrathion.


Especially now when Wrathion has an elf model! >:D

Yes, another reason to beat the crap out of him.


Calia is akin to Meā€™dan except Blizzard didnā€™t yet admit sheā€™s a holydin + Shamageadinlockdruid whatever the freck floats their boat now a days,

Because; they dare learn from their former mistakes after they entered their Dojo-of-we-never-make-mistakes-anyways ???

This is why I like youā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

I donā€™t think itā€™s a Wrathion is using a elf disguise, just a human model with blood elf animations.

Iā€¦ really donā€™t like the upcoming Frostwolf model, I donā€™t know, the armor just looks too big.

Same goes for Valeeraā€™s shoulderpads.
And damn is Calia looking weird.

As for the Wrathion modelā€¦ I dunno, man. I guess it looks alright.

Itā€™s just a straight up HD-fied version of the good olā€™ Frostwolf Howler from AV.

Oh and the camel mount could do without those dumb goggles