[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

I know, I know… it’s just… I’m not sure, is it the artstyle that makes it stand out more, now?
Maybe it looks too “clean”?

Probably, and the wolf itself uses the WoD model, so it’s larger by default, and thus the armor will be bigger.

That’s probably why.

Never been too much of a fan of the cartoony artstyle, and yes, I know WoW always had somewhat of a cartoony artstyle, but I guess that, ever since MoP, it really started standing out more as it got more HD, at which point I could say it would be better off slightly more realistic. (Yes yes, I know realistic models age terribly)

Up next! Thrall turns brown as he
becomes the only Orc Paladin. :nauseated_face:

People up in arms about Calia’s lore makes me smile.

quickly begins barricading from a new wave of NSFW Wrathion x Anduin art and r34 of Calia Menethil

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Yes, 911, we have a sadist over here.

Damn, lil Calia really grown up huh
Reckon Wrathion gonna step up in his daddy’s shoes and put a ring on that?
Interracial black/white wedding seems like something that Golden would get off on

‘‘Lil Calia’’?

She’s older than Jaina.


:popcorn: So… About everything I expected then.

Cali’s comes back as “good” undead.

Wrathion is here now.

Siege of Orgrimmar: The Sequel.

Updated wuggins.

Hey at least one of those is a positive. Actually two, maybe it’s just me but I actually don’t hate the idea of lightdead. I’m actually curious to see how things will go if Lordareon has a legitimate heir who is now also as dead as her subjects. We’ll probably find out in a book released two years from now.


I struggle to see the problem with her character. Mildly confused as to why a Lightborne Forsaken would have white eyes and the necromantic type have golden ones, but that’s about it.

She’s a Light-raised Forsaken. That’s what most people have problems with.

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Prince Wrathy, fabulous he, Wrathy-a-bab’waa…


This isn’t the first foray into death and Light being mixed up within someone in Warcraft though. I digress, it has been a while since I read Before the Storm. Maybe I missed some paragraph that made her especially violating of the established lore.

It has always been that being raised as an undead is something with Powers from the shadow/void, not the Light, yet now we are shown how an undead is raised through the Light.

And I mean being brought back as an UNDEAD by the Light, instead of through Shadow/Void. So there seems to be some new stuff going on that goes against what we knew from Before.

Okay now this is epic


I suppose. Still, with all the death/Light themes being jumbled together in the golden val’kyr, it just doesn’t seem entirely unprecedented to me.

Fair enough, but the thing is that she was turned into a Forsaken one, while the ones raised by Odyns Val’kyrs are returned alive-alive.

Hope Calia ends up as evil as she looks.

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Big negativity regarding Lightforged Undead is simply due to the fact that instead of enhancing old races, promoting background for already existing playable races (because they are far from being “explained”) - it is easier for Blizzard writers to create something out of their :poop:hole, lowering that creativity in the first place.

Sure, they can stuff as much lore to backup why that would make sense and I am not really arguing that they cannot do that cause it is obviously their writing and game, but, to an extent, such lazy continuous attitude is what breeding the backlash of what-would-seem absurd idea. Really blatant example of how it looks like would be comparing that Blizzard just decides to print out more money in order to battle inflation, where as printing money doesn’t give you more money - it just makes money less valuable.

My 2 cents