only their antlers are changed, they are the same size as Mulgore tauren, but with less strengths, because they lack the Sunwalkers.
The blood elves (and Shen’dralar) are also masters of the Arcane, and their “mastery” of chronomancy went no further then how to quickly age their Nightwell created wines. I don’t see them going back in time and altering the course of history, and they probably didn’t do that before either, or else the Bronze dragonflight and the Timewalkers would’ve interfered.
They bring technology the Horde, and goblins, already possessed. Sure they didn’t build it before the Blood War, but they could have. So again the mag’har bring nothing new.
The same can be said for the Darkspear jungle trolls, they too predate the Sundering of the World and the birth of the night elves, they too have a connection with gargantuan animal gods that bless them, guide them and teach them. However the Loa do not fight alongside the Zandalari, with the exception of Bwonsamdi twice helping Horde trolls.
And yes, most of the Alliance allied races run into the same problem of them not bringing anything unique to the table.
Edit because typing on a different (apple ) laptop is crap.
Makes me laugh when people mention Romnath by name, as well as the farstriding man and to a slightly lesser extent the sunreaver one, as if anyone who isn’t a blood elf superfan with a PhD in their lore is supposed to tell any of them apart from Lor’themar.
It’s true that the Horde already has a race with a focus of magic in the form of blood elves, a race with a focus on brute strength in the form of tauren and a race with a focus on technology in the form of goblins.
However, getting more of that, and in the different flavours that are provided by the allied races, is still of greater value than what the vulpera provide. In my opinion, getting more masters of magic and more horned giants with great strength, is of greater value than getting guerrilla fighting survivalists.
Also, you’re outright wrong regarding the loa not fighting beside the Zandalari. It’s been mentioned several times in the lore and it’s been shown several times in the game, from Krag’wa and Bwonsamdi aiding Talanji in Nazmir, to Gonk and Rezan fighting against Zul’s forces in Zuldazar, to the final defence of Zuldazar against the forces of G’huun, which Gonk, Akunda, Pa’ku, Krag’wa, Bwonsamdi and Kimbul all participate in.
Not every war is won with fire and fury, you need small, tactical strike forces to take out important targets, assassinate enemy leaders, spread propaganda, and transport information to and from bases in and without enemy territories.
Sure, but in lore there’s no cap on allied races is there? They can have both Vulpera and the other guys too.
Put another way, if the opportunity came to integrate the Vulpera into the Horde, is there any reason not to take them, from Sylvanas’/Talanji’s perspective?
When did reason feature in the Horde narrative? We’re repeatedly infighting hoodlums with various histories of addiction and similarly self-destructive tendencies.
We make it look good of course, but still.
I don’t really see a niche that needs filling by Vulpera, nor do I see a “pillar” of the Horde they will strengthen in an obvious manner. Still - they’ve got moxie.
It’s all irrelevant anyway because High Supreme King Leader President Anduin Wrynn is going to follow through on his daddys promise and disband the Horde.
I disagree, the Vulpera are filling in a niche of guerilla warfare and survivalist that other Horde races lack.
Yet there are Loa that fought with/for the Darkspear too (Bwonsamdi, Gonk) and Wild Gods that fought for the night elves, but none of those are ever used against the opposing faction, so they might aswell not be there.