[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Alliance gets magic, Horde gets technology. An interesting VS dynamic if the reds didn’t already get a bunch of magic. Horde is just superior these days, dominating with territory, tech, logistics and magic.


Also, sorry for the late response (my laptop is gone for repairs the coming weeks :persevere:).

The fact that it is called a curse means it should have a downside (or multiple), why else would it be called a curse? Blizzard outright states it is a curse, not a blessing.

But what makes it a curse? Oke, you get some issues with your temper, but considering all we see ingame is “cursed” humans basicly being superhuman strength, they live longer, they can not as easily be risen in undeath, and they apparently live longer and are healthier, what is too stop every human from drinking the worgen blood and become as strong as (if not stronger) then orcs, since we’re shown there are no literal downsides to this curse.

Sorry for the rambling, I just dislike how many worgen roleplayers roleplay their characters as this easy going, laid back human-wolf hybrids, while we know they should have anger manegement issues.


big truth

Found the downside.

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I find that although Tinkmaster Overspark helped the Mechagnomes unconditionally, it was very obvious to me that he was doing because he was seeking personal glory, rather than actually caring about the Mechagnomes. Of course Gazlowe also saw it the same way, but he managed to keep his reasons for helping the Mechagnomes under wraps rather than shouting at Gila.

I do think it would take more than just an exchange of words to cause the Mechagnomes to join the Horde (but I wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to do that, as you said the Nightborne literally took a few lines to join the Horde), I think that having last remembered the Siege of Zuldazar, Mekkatorque would quite literally have his people attack the Goblins present out of the rationality that Gallywix and Gazlowe as well as some of the Hordes greatest minds are right there, kill them.

I think that through that sort of situation Prince Erazmin would be able to see that Mekkatorque, as King of the Gnomes, would be going down a pretty dark path of vengeance against the Goblins and likely wouldn’t want to partake in it.

I think both scenarios of Gnomes or Goblins getting the Mechagnomes to join the Horde would be difficult because both races have proven themselves to be great allies of the Mechagnomes.

Nightborne. All alliance efforts to aid them invalidated, they now serve the Horde. This can happen again.

Mechagnomes go to the Horde and Vulpera to the Alliance in a major upset that finally ends any semblance of confidence in Blizzard forever.

Gnome RPers flood the Valley of Honour to stand alongside their proud tribal brethren where they belong and Vulpera mercenaries drink and smoke in the Pig and Whistle as though their desert upbringing was just a distant memory.


Yeah, it already did with the Lightforged.


Difference is though with the Nightborne is that both sides wanted them.

Nobody wanted or asked for the Lightforged.

EDIT: Sorry Lightforged RPers. Don’t @ me


Don’t even get me started on the Lightforged, Elly. They’re literally draenei with very few graphical differences and are boring as hell. They should’ve been a customization option, just like Highmountain Tauren.

Oh, and despite their universal hate void elves at least get some spotlight in Alliance quests in BfA with Umbric and so do Dark Irons. The Lightforged meanwhile get literally no credit in the expansion besides spawning in Drustvar during the assault. And those smart thousands-year-old space goats don’t even think to use their flying spaceship for warfare. :angry:

Well then someone was always gonna whine about it? Either they join Alliance and Horde whine or what we actually got.

“nooo I can’t believe the nightborne picked a side, when I wanted them to pick my side!!!”

What about blademaster suicidemon

Pretty much.

Funny how you never see anyone fighting over who got the Lightforged though lmao

Tbh you could justify their presence in the Horde just by Anduin also inviting the Void Elves to the Alliance and them being logical and not wanting to stand side by side with their polar opposite.

Ok, fair. Although since I literally forgot about him I’ll use that as an argument for how irrelevant as a character he was at least to me. A character’s sacrifice doesn’t really mean anything if that character is never rly explored, to me he was generic soldier 2721.

Awful misrepresentation of the point that both factions aided them in equal capacity but since Tyrande was rude and Liadrin lied by omission the Nightborne are now happy to exterminate the blues.

No. They should have been given the pandaren treatment. Add to this how a neutral Suramar would have been a narrative balance in the broken isles which is now functionally Horde territory. By land and sea the Horde dominates and writing them as “losing” in spite of it is/was ludicrous.

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Undermines the point of BfA so…no, they shouldn’t. “Global war! Everyone’s picking a side!..except the nightborne I guess lmao”

Also it would imbalance the allied races.

Yeah, but also the Horde actually made an effort to recruit them while the Alliance didn’t at all.

Hard switch topic

It’s not exactly clear how much jelly you get per deposit (it’s implied to be 1, but isn’t clear) but the maths is that you need 6000 jellies to get the mount.

That’s a lot of looting.

Enjoy that rep grind, eesh.

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The one thing everyone has always wanted…

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Let’s see the Sun Hawks and Mok’Nelghor talk big when they get stabbed down by BEES! :dagger:

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Considering how the player models for the Nightborne turned out, I’m not sure there were any winners in that category.


Top 10 Blizzard betrayals of all time.


God you two.

I’ve never given so many likes to someone.

Damn you!

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I give you a like now just to watch your reaction. :^)