[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Please don’t.

I normally don’t like to be liked, or to give likes :<


Lets see the bees go against my army of Vespids.

Don’t mess with me, I got the power of The Higher Loa and anime on my side.


Dudflex channeling his Forum Loa powers, colorized.

And that’s how Dudflex defeated every single flying fighter on Argent Dawn, kids.

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I later took all the boys (Including you Crowton) to the yard because apparently they have good milkshakes there.


Here’s an observation.

Seems like Legion and particularly BfA is very much focused on cycles, in particular the cyclical nature of conflict in the setting.

The term “Cycle of Hatred” pops up as the very first sentence in the trailer to BfA, a turn of phrase that was also the title to the novel that tied Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne together with World of Warcraft (the author said he was tasked to figure out how to write the Horde and Alliance into being in conflict again).

Moreover, characters remark how familiar all this feels to MoP (in some cases even outright stating it, like Lor’themar in Nazjatar), and while there’s early enthusiasm for the war, we get a cinematic in Lost Honor where Anduin remarks that “I thought we were fighting for peace, but we’re just fighting.”

Now in 8.2.5 we get ominous suggestions that Wrathion wants to use the Forge of Origination in Uldum, the titan site that has the power to wipe all life off the world’s surface and start over in case it became corrupted. Some of the NPCs you fight in trying to find him remark how “the son will share the fate of the father”.

Finally, taking one peek back at the prophecy-boy Il’gynoth from Legion, there’s this:

“Your coming was foretold in the rings. The long circle is nearly complete.”

Suppose we’ll see where it all goes, but it is strange that N’zoth, despite being free, doesn’t really make a direct appearance in 8.2.5 as of yet.


Reminder that old god prophecies are all lame vagueries and inevitably more disappointing than what players dream up.

What was the ‘circle of stars’ again? oh, it was azshara’s boss room, wow


That and people seem to always forget that in the canon Old God whispers tell half-truths, which is a fancy way of saying Blizzard can foreshadow something and then choose to retcon and say “haha, it was just a joke”.

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Old Gods are the ultimate pranksters.


It like talking to a fussy Girlfriend/Boyfriend.

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And with the Highmountain Tauren, or does the Alliance effort in Highmountain not count anymore?

And neither are the Cenarion Circle, Argent Crusade, Priests in Netherlight Temple, and many, many other organisations and loose races… So what were you saying about a neutral race undermining the point of BfA?

Anyways the Bee will be neat; I like how you actually have to put in effort to get it to! :smiley:

You don’t play as any of those.

I don’t know why you’d be excited about what sounds like an incredibly mindless and dull grind.

It beats having to spend gold I will never have for yet another reskinned mount.

Are you sure? Last I checked, my characters where all leaders of neutral organisations like the Deathlord of the Ebon Blade, the First of the Council of the Black Harvest, the Grandmaster of the Broken Temple, Archmage of the Tirisgarde (a branch of the Kirin Tor/Dalaran).



Spending time grinding gold (something you can do in a variety of ways, some which offer additional rewards) is less good than being forced to only spend time picking up a specific type of loot, not engaging in any meaningful gameplay, and not getting additional rewards?

Guess the Broken Temple, Ebon Blade, Silver Hand, Tirisgarde don’t exist anymore.

Yeh, but you see, I can assure you that grinding out those honey things is far easier for me then collection a couple billion gold for the mounts.

Just because you don’t like the mechanic doesn’t mean others like me and Mordi do the same.

But this is just a matter of semantics because you obviously like grinding out things like that, and we don’t.

I dunno why you’re so set on arguing against “neutrality is hard!” and “playable neutral race=bad” when those are both statements from blizz directly. Maybe you should be writing @Ion tweets instead.


You have a couple billion gold? I have taxes to pay. Help me.

I never said playing a neutral race is bad, you said we don’t play as neutral characters, while we quite obviously do, or did?, and we even led neutral organisations like the Ebon Blade, Tirisgarde, Silver Hand etc.

Also, I never said neutrality is hard, while I much prefer the faction conflict I do like the fact there are neutral organisations out there, just trying to show you, you where wrong when you said we don’t play as any of the neutral races or factions/organisations.

Mounts like the 10 million long-necked dino, or the 5 gazzilion spider. I can’t play the AH if my life depended on it and if I get a rare appearance, I generally keep it (because I also collect appearances), that leaves my only source of income from quests, drops and old raids/dungeons I farm for appearances. Which is quite a slow way to collect gold.

I wish I had so much gold, smh.

5 million and 2 million, respectively.

You don’t need to play the AH to make money from it. I certainly don’t. I just throw up whatever’s clogging my bags at a slight (or major, if I’m tired of seeing it) undercut and call it a day.

We’re not though. What’ve you done for the Conclave or the Cenarions lately? The character’s been soft-removed from power and just put right back into the Horde/Alliance.

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I try that to, but it’s just never enough to pas the 0.5m mark :frowning:

Collecting Azerite to aid the healing of the world.
Removed G’huun from unleashing his (void? plague?) corruption on the world.

Also, many island expedition quests lead back to one neutral faction or another.

That’s for your faction, with Magni on the side.

That was for your faction (though basically just Horde).

“Yeah I’ll trade you this broken sword I found in exchange for this chunk of PLANET BLOOD you have” isn’t exactly peak assistance.