[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Oke, I concede.

You win this round.

Fight me IRL, I chose Brigante as my Champion.

Or because so far the narrative has shown that a lot of the allied races have joined factions solely because of racial similarities. I mean, the Horde and the Alliance both helped the Highmountain Tauren, the Lightforged Draenei, yet they picked sides for the Blood War anyway, with no reason to have a grudge against either faction.

So with that in mind, I’m expecting Prince Erazmin to side with the gnomes over the goblins because of “thanks for the help, but these guys aren’t green so we’re gonna side with them instead.”

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He’s still the rightful king of Gnomeregan.

Are you really, if you just up and abandoned your people and left them to form a new government to fill the void you left?

Which would make it more interesting him joining the Horde and then fighting to pinch it from the normals.

According to Anduin, yes.

Wait… what?

Calia is the “rightful ruler of Lordaeron” despite running away from her responsibilities on an expedition (of LOVE), leaving a new government to form in her absence.

The parallels are pretty clear I thought.

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I don’t even mind that. King Erazmin with his own unique model would be pretty spicy.

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For a moment, I forgot lightforged undead Calia existed.

Admittedly, Calia denounced her position of rightful rulership as Queen of Lordaeron too. Anduin just wants to bring all races under human (his?) leadership, that’s why he was oke with Genn Greymane running away with the night elves too, eventually they’ll fall under his rule too.

And so the evil of Anduin continues, and his Empire will grow.

We need to stop the Human Empire, otherwise all us Non-humans, Alliance or Horde, will be slaves.




Same could be said of Sylvanas… She upped and left(because Warchief and the Legion invasion) and the Forsaken filled that void with the Desolate Council, but atleast Sylvanas got rid of that problem…

Which makes me wonder; since Warchief is basicly dictator of the Horde, why couldn’t she just proclaim Undercity the new Horde capital?

Theoretically she could. Politically/practically she couldn’t.

Why would you even want to move the capital to the Undercity. It’s a weird flex that has no practical benefit.

Be a lot cooler if you’d stop regurgitating that. You know it’s demonstrably false.


Honestly the butthurt about nightborne is a little tiring at this point; boohoo tyrande only said she was willing to kill every single last nightborne. Boohoo her own blinding prejudice isn’t anything bad boohoo. Nightborne just can’t take words!!!


Because Sylvanas hated being in Orgrimmar?

But alas, what Elenthas said makes sense, especially with most of the Horde members living on Kalimdor!

No I will never stop blaming the Horde players for taking the Nightborne away and giving us Void Elves of all things!

I’m 100% sure, had the Nightborne joined our glorious Human Empire, Blizztard would’ve put more effort in them, lest they make Anduin look questionable!:stuck_out_tongue:

It is uninhabitable, for one.

Obviously I meant before she tried to murder her enemies by blowing up her own home