[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers


Night Elves were actually parasitic to azeroth


We all are. A chaotic force reproducing out of control, consuming resources. Global undeath halts the spread.

All races are parasitic to Azeroth (not you Tauren <3) and Alexstrazsa needs to take her responsibility of Lifebinder seriously and sort it out.

Malygos was right and the other Aspects should have backed him up and sorted the problem out before it spiralled even further out of control.

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Sylvanas really is the good guy :blush:

I knew those boobs were fake

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Of course they are. No corpse keeps such well preserved mammaries.

Imagine not using guy as a gender neutral term in the year of our Titan Queen 2019.


She’s not your guy, buddy.


He’s Not your buddy, pal.


Let’s look at the playable races; titan constructs tainted with old god fleshiness, mutant animals tampered into being, alien invaders cross contaminating the planet and assorted cursed variations of the same, spreading corruption and being an affront to the living world on a fundamental level.

Insert exterminatus meme.

He’s not your pal, mate.


So we’ve gone from ‘Night Elves cannot be undead, only spirits or wisps’ to ‘Yeah, heck it, lets just ressurect ALL the things!’?

Yeah, not too sad Im on hiatus till this nonsense calms down

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looks at nelf death knights since wrath pointedly

Remeber when Night Elves etc were send in Gilneas because they were immune to being raised?

Good ol’ days.

Lich-Kimg was always on a different level as the Banshee-Queen. It never involved any Val’kyr

But yea same I am not sad I’m on hiatus either D:

Just necromancers.

argh I can’t believe that they might develop new spells or abilities to counter us

they can only do that with McGuffins-in-a-Box technology, not MAGIC!!!

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I headcanon that it is thanks to sylv’s deals with helya or w.e. at the end of the day wow is devolving into some dumb capecrap powercreep in terms of characters anyway.


Lich-King was always on a different level as the Banshee-Queen.

Lich King with Prime Val’kyr bound to him raises elves: i sleep
Sylvanas with Prime Val’kyr bound to her raises elves: real %^&$

are you sure about that? you pop into every single thread to complain about the plight of the poor Kaldorei as if you are unaware that these are fictional characters in a video game


Kaldorei internet defence force at it again

Leaked 8.2.5 plot:

Forsaken have been taken captive by deception of Helya. Sylvanas Windrunner is imprisoned in the Shadowlands for us to free her. Alliance and Horde then fight Helya together and she is defeated.

The Banshee Queen raises her bow above her head and grins. ”AZEROTH IS FREE!” Alliance and Horde begin cheering, the audience pisses their pants in anger.