[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

I would personally come after you for even writing the idea down on paper.

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Wait, what? Where is that from?

It makes no sense anyway. In WC3, necromancers can raise night elf corpses just fine.

It seems like it’s been retconned since then.
Or the Undead just happened to find a new way of raising them that they hadn’t before off-screen without mentioning it.

Honestly, I’m still a little confused as to why Undead Night Elves are a thing - not why they exist, but the role they play in the narrative. All they’ve really done in the narrative so far is… Draw more Sylvanas/Arthas parallels, exist to give the Alliance something to fight in the Horde warfront (but not actual undead), then get murdered in a random scenario. Is this one really gonna be different?

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I believe it’s mentioned in one of the quests in Silverpine forest.

The Alliance specifically avoids sending out human forces into the battlefront, instead utilizing dwarves, nelves, worgen and gnomes because the Val’kyr can only rise humans at that point.

Which was quite cool tidbit back then that there was a limit as to what the Val’kyr could raise- But individual necromancers and fleshcrafters could still make abominations from their body bits, which is cool.

In BFA, only those nelves who give their consent allow themselves to be raised- Such as Delaryn and others of her kin- But then again, Sylvanas just rises human, tauren, orcs and goblins alike without any problems (or their consent, supposedly).


Continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of the developers :clown_face:


Sylv mentions raising BElves during SoO and is only stopped because Lor’themar tells her to bugger off.

Cata (Can’t raise them)->MoP (Mentions being able to raise them)->BfA (Actually raises them).

Last I checked, Darkshore wasn’t populated by Blood Elves and High Elves.

Elves are elves.

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See I wasn’t sure about the Necromancer’s anymore… I always thought that the Death Knights were raised by the Lich King himself… But I also vaguely remeber something about Death Knights being raised by Necromancers without the powerup provided by the Lich King were weaker to, but I’m not sure if thats canon… (They retcon and change so many things the lore is a mess in my head now a days D:)

Yes… Smart statement without any back up.

if this was canon, then atleast we’d have a starting point for her increased power, but as of now this is headcanon and not actual canon.

As for “developing” new spells or abilities, thats fine, as long as it doesn’t pop up out of freakin’ nowhere. I mean Sylvanas had her Val’kyrs in Gilneas to(hence when she was rezzed after being hoht in the head), then they weren’t able to raise any non-Humans… And suddenly they were able to raise Blood Elves in MoP, followed by the fact they’re able to raise everything in BfA, without Sylvanas appearing to have gotten any more power-ups.(Kinda the same like how Anduin is suddenly a super good warrior, great leader and the Light incarnated, or how Thrall was suddenly the bestet World-Shaman and the new Earth-warder)

And in the mean time the Alliance is unable to think of a counter for the Blight(except mommy Jaina who just freezes everything)

Yes. Nice use of a meme. If Sylvanas is as powerfull as the Lich-King, why did she need any help then? Since Valk’kyrs get their powers from the person their bound with, hence why the Val’kyrs were supposed to be more powerfull under the Lich-King then under Sylvanas.

Yea, I am sure. And since when can’t I be involved in the story because I stopped playing? Also I don’t only complain about the Night Elves or the Alliance, I also complain about the Horde story if Blizzard makes another stupid decision for their story… Nice on you to have the selective reading ability, though. Good for you!

Well, its a long list now;
Horde Internet Defence Force
Teeny Edgelords(Players who are pro-forsaken/undeath)
Human Paladins
Sylvanas Fanbois
Blood Elf Defence Force
and probably some others I can’t recall… So yea stop acting like the Night Elf fans are the only one acting like this when there are plenty of other players who are just as passionate about their race or faction of choice and who are acting the same.

…But what about the Pandaren forces in Kun-lai?!

What exactly do you want as a ‘backup’ for it? Is there anything Blizz could have said or done that would satisfy you?

Yea, if what Aerilen said was true, that would’ve been cool and it would’ve made it more understandable as to why she is suddenly able to raise any (playable) race… Sameway as I would’ve liked to see or read how and why Anduin suddenly became the great warrior he is currently… D:

Kel’Thuzad raised Mograine. The most powerful Death Knight since Arthas.

You seem to come under this heading, by writing something that asinine.

I guess I just don’t see how “Sylvanas and val’kyr worked out a new spell to raise NElves in the 5 years since Cataclysm” is a big plothole? Isn’t it entirely reasonable that they would likewise adapt to counter the Alliance’s adaptations?

Do we start ranting and raving whenever any new spell shows up at that point?

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I’m just working out how deliberately obtuse one must be to say “if I like this story I’m just invested in the lore but if you like this story you’re a teenage edgelord” with a straight face

“Why do Nelf players always rage so much?!”

Looks at Darkshore, looks at Blizz saying ‘Tyrande has had her vengeance’, looks at near-total lack of Nelf story in Naztajar, the seat of their betrayer of an ex-Empress and Tyrande’s nemesis

Oh, y’know… no reason, I guess?


Val’kyr suddenly being able to resurrect elves is no stranger than Tyrande deciding to empower herself with the magic of the Night Warrior that has supposedly existed all along, and that she has never used before, not even when Azeroth has been faced with all manner of devastating apocalypses with no victory in sight.

Darkshore’s a massive heap of plot holes, both in favour of the night elves and in favour of the undead.


Everyone’s an Edgelord except Troll/Zandalari Players. Real Boys have tusks.

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taz’dingo my brother

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Excuse me? I’m not an Edgelord. What gives you that idea?