[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Be careful with this information. Wouldn’t want it falling into the wrong hands :thinking:

Yeah, the story was getting stale and lame and readers dropped heavily so in the end they gave him like a certain amount of chapters to wrap. He had to end an already super convuluted plotline in a very short amount of time.

It didn’t work. But then story had been trash for years anyway.

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Isn’t that twice in a week?

Should’ve ended after Soul Society.

Pretty much.

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I hope story forums crash and burn

limp wrist normies


They kinda already are.

The only time you should go to the story forums is when you treat it like a safari.


The one thing I did like about the leaks was that it basicly made HM, LFD Mag’har and Dark Irons actual skin options for the main races and not diverse races…

Like they should’ve been from the start :smile:

Also why is everyone posting here a Horde chad? I feel outnumbered and scared ;-;

They can be good for jokes though.
Remember guys

“Nobody rolls a character to play a Victim”

Because we dem boyz. (Do not click the link if you do not like loud things)

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Story forum regulars live in a society…


I don’t think you can call it a society.

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I like how lost honour and old soldier as the cinematics is on there. They do match by timestamps minus the WoW logo so don’t be surprised at all when it’s confirmed.

The war campaign’s ending is probably an in game prerender like baine’s arrest.

That’s merely the tip of the iceberg…


One of the cinematics that was datamined is a single 7 minute long piece.

Those pre-renders are so badly done. Captain Grimm, a guy making Machinima’s on youtube can really nail down the lip sync and animation. Just 1 dude. So however many work on those pre-rendered ones… They’re just bad. So bad.


Surely that person is sarcastic? Place say he is. I can’t belief that is “representing” the “Night Elf Players” on the story forums I mean wtf ;-;

My Reaction to seeing this thread.

Sylvanas : The Lich King has been expecting you.

Thrall : I know, Warchief.

Sylvanas : So, you have accepted the truth.

Thrall : I’ve accepted the truth that you were once Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger General of Quel’thalas

Sylvanas : [angry retort] That title no longer has any meaning for me.

Thrall : It is the title of your true self. You’ve only forgotten. I know there is good in you. Undeath hasn’t driven it from you fully. [steps off to the side of the passageway, away from Sylvanas ] That was why you couldn’t destroy me. That’s why you won’t bring me to the Lich King now.

Sylvanas : [inspects Thrall’s axe] I see you have constructed a new shaman weapon. Your skills are complete. [sheathes the axe again] Indeed you are powerful, as the Lich King has foreseen.

Thrall : Come with me.

Sylvanas : Saurfang once thought as you do. You don’t know the power of Undeath!

Thrall : I will not turn. And you’ll be forced to kill me.

Sylvanas : If that is your destiny.

Thrall : Search your feelings, Warchief. You can’t do this. I feel the conflict within you. Let go of your hate.

Sylvanas : It is… too late for me, former Warchief. The Lich King will show you the true nature of Undeath. He is your master now.

Thrall : [resigned] Then Sylvanas Windrunner is truly dead.