[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

Honestly, the thing I am the most excited about now, is seeing what Loyalist guilds will choose to do now. Follow the one they so revere, and become traitors, or something else? I am genuinely curious to see what they´ll do.

RP is gonna be a mess for the next month of Horde.

But not the additional ones. Check.

[Ding, ding] should be an achievement and it’s reward should be a banner you can [Ding, ding]


PCU standing at Saurfang’s funeral with their full pardons is gunna be an awkward event.


Looks like you were right, sir! Kudos to you.

And yet I still feel empty inside.

I guess Saurfang also died like his son. Recklessly charging a powerful avatar of death and getting yeeted into the ground.


Saurfang did a [Cleave] and Sylvanas just brushed it off.

I like it.

Imagine how different things would be if Sylvanas had held her tongue for that one passing moment of overwhelming frustration. If she’d retained her composure and told Saurfang off personally instead of saying she hates all life. :joy:

(Disclaimer: She didn’t say she hates all life, but that’s what’s implied when she derides the only ones who aren’t her enemies.)

Zerkan is the most pointless and braindead lore character ever.

And using the same line. f

I mean… Like his son he even said ‘Let it be finished’.

I thought that was foreshadowing enough.

I mean it’s pretty much the same situation as when Garrosh got deposed. War Crimes makes mention of how Kor’kron who surrendered and changed sides were pardoned, those who went ride or die till the end got captured (or killed if they resisted and wanted to go out fighting).

Some hardcore loyalists escaped to bide their time for [the next episode].


this entire storyline is awkward :frowning:


mfw Rokhan still doesnt have his own model :pensive:


This is what WE in the INDUSTRY call SUBTLE WRITING :smirk:

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Awkward is… Kind of you to qualify it as that my friend.

Angry Jaina reminds me a lot of Gladiator Stance in WoD.

Neither lasted the entire expansion.

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Can’t wait for the Rotgarde to get tried for War Crimes and executed!


I mean just look at this chatter in this very topic. All about implications for Horde NPCs and how it affects Horde RP.

I mean, what’s there to discuss about Alliance, right?

Yes, I’m salty. Obviously.

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