[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

That loyalist in-game cinematic was some trash. How is “Death” (whatever that means) more powerful than an Old God? Sure, nothing lasts, and everything withers and dies at some point and civilisations rise and fall over tens of thousands of years, but I am not used to this whole papa Nurgle / complete nihilism point of view. And there is no way the Lich King, or “Death” was as powerful as the Scourge was back in ye olden Arthas’ days. They lost Frostmourne, and pretty much all of their commanders.

Ye gods I am so sick to death of this Sylvanas character, thank Magni that Nathanos was nowhere in sight. I bet if Nathanos was in either of the cinematics, more night elves would probably die.

This is what I was promised. I was promised an Alliance vs Horde expansion.

Instead, I was given a Horde vs Horde + Alliance expansion.

And from the looks of it we may be racing towards faction abolishment/joining factions.

While I’m positive to some of the implications it may have, I am not so convinced how will it be positive for the pvp element of the game (they might even kill it for good for all I know).


if they do that imma head out for real :wave:

The story is pretty horde centric but it didn’t have to be that’s the frustrating thing. You could have had the Nelves or Genn or anyone frustrating Anduin. You could have had them refusing to help the Horde siege Orgrimmar. Missed opportunity imo.


Ding ding, the witch is still alive!

My dream of a death for both of them was the Shakespearian Death… Like Romeo and Juliet. Suicide and finally shutting their mouths.

More like: “Horde vs Horde. The Alliance is around, probably.”

Honestly, dude, the Alliance should be in brackets. It’s more Horde vs. Horde and all the distastefulness that leaves.

Sums up most of BfA


I am curious over the ‘‘Fourth War’’ achievement if we can now call this war ‘‘The Fourth War’’ instead of the stupid… Blood War was it?

Imagine being drafted to fight with orcs and trolls after the Horde just war crimed Stromsong Valley, raised your dead buddies in Lordaeron and genocided a good amount of night elves amongst other innumerable war crimes.

Saurfang’s last words echo his son -

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I think that’s reasonable.

I really wanted the Nelves to stir some sh*t up ally side


Nope. They’re done. Maybe in 9.0. Maybe.

Ye, I really don’t see why the would mindlessly obey Anduin’s objectives. The guy has been making mistakes all over the place and nobody ever said “High King” was hereditary.

Just you guys wait tomorrow for all the WoW youtubers to talk about their insane theories and speculations for WoW’s future.

Can’t wait for Pyromancer, T&E and Bellular’s clickbait thumbnails.

Cataclysm is legit the best faction war expansion we’ve ever had.

For RP, that is. It was before MoP began to introduce rebellion themes.


I sure hope so, that guy laughed enough at my expense.

Of course that wouldn’t happen. Night Elves got their vengeance remember? 1 dead Val’kyr! All is forgiven! :smiley:
