[SPOILERS] Patch 8.2.5 spoilers

I feel like MoP had a better end to the faction conflict. They should have let it stay finished there.

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Sylvanas has canonically torn heads off wolves with her bare hands before, so
 she’s pretty stronk


Issue with MoP and BfA is that the side stories takes too much attention from the faction war.

I would love a expansion focused purely on the faction war, sadly BfA never delivered that.

Well, you should be happy, at least. The focus will 100% move away from faction vs faction and we’ll all be friends, which you have openly voiced your distaste for over the past year.

I will however make the prediction here that just like just wildly trying something new, there’s 100% no quarantee that the story will improve at all. It might even get worse.

Kaldorei lives don’t matter.

Aww I liked that cinematic (the proper CGI one anyway). I almost cried as they were walking into Oggy.

please never call it like that again ty

Biggest question for my character is.

Since Sylvanas is a threat and no longer Horde, is she a ok target to hunt down now as a ‘‘neutral’’ character?

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Definitely how Blizzard feels.

I have also consistently said that I would be okay with a faction war expansion that actually tried.

Balance out the war crimes instead of having one faction do most of it, give both factions inspirational leaders as well as fairly equal shares of the blame in the war, give both factions reasons to be patriotic and united against the enemy, and you have a GOOD expansion. BFA has literally not had one of those.

If you hand the obvious villains to one side from the very beginning, of course it’ll suck.


RPing this is gonna be weird. It happens too fast.


Rogue undead with allegiances to dark powers of unseen capabilities? Sounds like a good day at the office to me.

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My hated for Sylvanas will proceed.

I love you.

Also that.

I saw someone suggest on Discord that the thing with Tyrande and Genn might lead to Alliance infighting. I wish it for you guys!

[Ding ding]? :smiley:

Not in this expansion.

There isn’t many options for Forsaken RPers, just have to denounce Sylvanas really
 Since basically only the loyalist champion knows about her real plan or whatever.

Seems the loyalists were pardonned, I don’t think there’s any consequences to dish out anyways :slight_smile:

this sucks btw, I wish I could just easily follow her instead

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Can’t wait for you all to say.

“I disavow!”

Or the early trend of “#NotmyWarchief.”

Sylvanas mentions those loyal to her are mostly in chains so there could be consequences

I wish you luck in convincing the absolute tsunami of rebel RPers who are going to try execute all of you of this. Though I don’t know anything about the current Horde RP climate.

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