Apparently Sylvanas organised their kidnapping. Some had to go investigate obviously, but others like Ji and Gazlowe no doubt stayed behind to try and sort out the very likely panic that the Horde public is feeling since some of their leaders suddenly vanished.
Ah! I didn’t know that! Fair enough!
This story contains 100% soy.
Zero surprise honestly.
I mean the alliance are the protagonists and the horde just a rotating cast of villains of the week so of course we’d be favoured.
It’s a strange thing, but I find myself not caring at all what happens in the lore of the Shadowlands expansion.
I’ve just returned to wow roleplay and I feel like nothing this expansion does will have any impact on my character at all, groups of people fighting in the afterlife. I wonder what they’ll do with Azeroth in the meantime?
There’s supposedly going to be a timeskip where all of our characters are suddenly aged 10 years, that is an idea I struggle with, it feels like there’d be so much lost character development during that time, would we just live in peace for those 10 years?
Guess i’m race changing afterall.
Not sure how I feel about the intro scenario.
I’m all aboard the Tyrande vengeance hype train though, let her carve a path on her own and just wreak havoc even if it’s at the cost of her allies.
it really looks like she will get some enligtened redemption story and will be less of a warrior and more of an embarrassing faction leader like she was from cataclysm to legion
When we need to bump off the War Council we will be relevant again.
I’m worried the time skip hype might end up being dead in the water. Blizzard referencing the timey wimey difference between the Shadowlands and Azeroth could end up being that time flows faster in the Shadowlands, as indicated by Jaina’s dialogue, means we pop out and almost no time has passed at all.
If true that could actually be really annoying for RP to have lived out 2 years of your characters lives but the story has only progressed, at least on Azeroth, about a week in that space.
As if people respected the canonical timeline in the first place…
Just in time to keep dealing with a Scourge invasion.
champion of azeroth just can’t catch a break
I hope that’s the case, honestly, since my character will not have anything to do with the Shadowlands.
Good for some, horrible for others. Moving the forsaken away from the yoke of Sylvanas worship is a gamble, though and they need new voicelines unless they’re all about to call Calia Dark Lady too with the same cult of personality.
i agree that the forsaken need to move away from the cult of personality.
I just think Calia menethil is the antithesis to the forsaken and should not be the race leader.
Still seems easier to work with than having to explain a years-long story gap in terms of off-screen development and progress. “My second backstory”.
I been shilling the time pause/slow over the time skip.
It’s quite the leap after having Sylvanas and her subjects be openly villainous since Cata. Where is the storytelling suggesting that they’ve gotten any better? She had the sympathetic doubters killed in Before the Storm.
exactly the thing.
Should be a council of ACTUAL FORSAKEN MODELS trying to muddle their way through this massive power vacuum that Sylvanas has left.
Not drop Frankencalia in as the leader and that be the end of it.
“Oh look, we’re good now lolz”