Desolate Council 2; this time it’s personal. The new Queen does not know her people. Let there be a parliament representing the people with this last of the Menethils a mere ceremonial figurehead.
Officially she isn’t and yet she seems to be put in there as one. WEIRD.
Anyway they won’t need to record new voice lines because Sylvanas is gonna die in a redemption arc and they will always be able to revere the memory of the Dark Lady who watches over you even in death.
for the life of me i do not understand why they just didnt expand on the desolate council in bfa and make that the new leadership
Okay, sure but she gets to sit in…
Well, I was going to say Undercity, but its no longer there (she can go sit in it anyway for all I care)
But, she can be the figurehead and be somewhere out of the way and we have an actual council at the forefront.
She’s there and there are no other forsaken present, it is WEIRD!
how could they squeeze that in when they had the zandalari, kul tiras, azshara, n’zoth, the war campaign, CHAMPYUN HER WUUNDS, and the rest of it? There was no time for the forsaken and we certainly couldn’t have cut any of the things we did get out.
I guess Lilian was taking a nap or something Not that I think Lilian is much better as a Forsaken rep, but at least she’s got the right model and isn’t Auntie Calia.
thats not saying much, the maggots crawling through the earth are better than Auntie Calia
this imagined desolate council takeover takes place in an alternate timeline where bfa had a halfway decent storyline instead of bouncing between big bads
realistically you could have replaced every random “magni sends you to x zone” with a few quests fleshing the desolate council out though
But what would the Alliance do in the meantime? Actually talk about their internal issues and show important conversations on screen instead of fading to black? Pfffffffffffffffft
Show internal conflict with Lightforged and void elves would have been pleasant.
I don’t want Calia.
I really, really don’t.
They know a lot of people don’t want her.
I hate it.
Someone should go and take the story team by the hand. And walk them through year one of a random creative writing class.
You know, where you learn how to not stuff everything into your story just because it sounds cool.
All this talk about council leaders for factions just brings up that fact that Blizzard have demonstrated they cannot handle it. They simply are incapable of fleshing out or giving proper time to more than one leader per faction.
The dwarves have a council but Falstad and Muradin are basically non-entities as leaders, with all the attention focused on Moira.
Malfurion was never really a faction leader, with all the decisions falling to Tyrande.
When the chance came to show a “council” for the Horde such as in the vulpera recruitment scenario, they just defaulted to Baine making unilateral decisions to accept/reject them without any further input from the rest of them.
They spent years not touching on any Forsaken characters outside of Sylvanas to the extent they had to crowbar in Voss as a forsaken “leader” figure out of nowhere in BfA even though they also set up that a Council had worked previously. Where’s Annie again? Did she not have anything to say about this? About Calia Menethil who got all her friends killed? No?
Turalyon isn’t from Stormwind and yet he gets appointed its leader over any nobility that’s actually local, because Turalyon is already established and trying to involve more than the few main characters they’ve already proposed is just too much effort. As is giving the Alliance nations any semblance of independence or character from Stormwind.
Oh I could go on. Gazlowe and the Bilgewater for instance.
Just more of Blizzard showing shared control of means as inefficient and elevating absolutism and the rule of one as the rightful path that gets results. One bad ruler tosses it but that gives you the chance to appoint a new leader.
It’d be slightly more compelling if the drama had lasting consequence and lessons were learned, though.
Or at least, not into one book (expansion in this case)
Even that’s done poorly though. By all rights the Desolates weren’t inefficient or corrupt, they were well liked by the Forsaken people. It’s not like we see the dwarf’s activities slowed with political gridlock because the Three Hammers can’t come to a decision. We didn’t see the vulpera rejected because the council couldn’t come to a consensus, they weren’t even involved. They just…ignore it entirely.
If they want to show the follies of shared control then go nuts. Show me a supposedly democratic council that uses its power to stay in power and abuses it. Show me the compromised ideals. Show me SOMETHING. FOR GODS SAKE. SHOW ME SOMETHING.
The distrust tearing the council apart in the face of frost troll assaults until True High King Varian and Queen Moira shows true initiative, humiliating the bickering clans with a show of strength.
Keeping the throne warm for an absent monarch is all you get.
I smell insubordination.
On a serious note, yeah, she really ended up in a strange and not entirely welcome place. Her really odd character design isn’t helping matters either. My totally subtle choice of class might give a hint as to the direction I had wished for her to go instead.
Mannequeen Calia looks so wrong. Make her grey and veiny with dead zombie eyes, creepy but good as a subversion of expectation.
Blizzard: ‘Okay, rest of the Horde, you have been miserable with a few years of Sylvanas as Warchief, but at least the forsaken are happy.’
‘…Let’s even the playing field.’