[Spoilers] Shadowlands Alpha

They changed the wording on that talent, didn’t they? It says targeting some nearby enemies now, not all.

With how that spell describes it does not matter the % of mobs in question for KS to be usable, I’d say it isn’t getting changed. It would also dishearten the masses if they changed skills they said they were bringing back.

I’m willing to bet 20k that Flayed Shot will not survive it’s current iteration through to release.

Looking at the covenant abilities, I think the Venthyr teleport gonna be the most useful tbh.

The closest thing we have to that currently is warrior’s sudden death talent, and it is not considered a viable pick. Numbers, my friend. They are what will decide this.

It sure would come in handy if I end up maining DK for shadowlands. If I stick to warrior there’ll be some more flexibility.

Turn into a Vulpin, increasing movement speed. You may reactivate Soulshape to teleport a short distance forward.
Additional cosmetic forms can be earned and collected through a variety of gameplay.
While out in the world, this effect has a short duration before it wears off, but lasts indefinitely while in a rest area.

Cat RP 2.0, now with 100% more foxtails.


I agree with this. I think that “haste caps” or “crit caps” etc are inherently flawed in their design and really unfun too, + punishing to players.

I think that crit being a good stat for firemages is ok but if they have to drop +15 ilevels because it doesn’t have x stat that’s a problem. Same goes for most specs, really. Ideally, secondary stats should be just that: Secondary. Int, strength or agility should be everyone’s main stat, with the secondary stats just enhancing a gameplay you like: You like having more crits? take more crit. You like having quicker rotation? take haste, etc.

Versatility should go though. Hate it, simple as.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you very vehemently, a few years back (during Legion), specifically say that you were OK with presences being gone? What changed your mind?

You don’t realise what you’re missing until it’s truly gone.

I…don’t think that was me. It could’ve been I guess, but I generally liked presences. Swapping even just between UH and Blood when you needed to go somewhere 15% faster was a nice little quirk. Occasionally I’d forget to swap back into Blood but hey that’s my fault.

Grand scheme presences aren’t ‘crucial’ - DKs weren’t ruined by their removal or anything*, but better to have them than not.

*removing Trader Ghoul did that.

The difference in downtime for Blood between the start of an expac to the end of one is staggering. I don’t find it interesting/fun to have to scrape for every drop of haste just so it feels like I’m not constantly out of resources until X.2 when suddenly values are high enough to keep up with GCDs.

I don’t miss presences that much, it was rare to use them aside from the UH movespeed boost, and you were at a great disadvantage if outside your chosen spec’s presence for any length of time.

What I do miss is what my brain associates with those presences - old DK. Give me Mists of Pandaria DK back, Blizzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard

I had fun with Unholy in 5.2-5.3 and frost in 5.4, just gimme gimme those back! Give unholy a snapshot passive so that we can play festerblight pleeease

This was my complaint with legion Arms too. Antorus Arms was amazing fun and I miss it dearly, but early Legion… Not so much. Especially when it forced us into that god awful focused rage spec to compete.

I miss opportunity strikes, shattered defenses, precise strikes, executioner’s precision, soul of the slaughter… :((

I remember it really well because the argument was with you and several others- Though the initial point I had was about their lack of insight when it came to class design.

Either way, I was just curious what changed.


The larger point is that fundamentally, if Shadowlands will fall flat on one design feature, that’s the covenant system.

Tieing immensely overpowered/underpowered abilities to a faction that you are not meant to change is screaming for a disaster. I think there’s way too many abilities as it is, and covenants should all share 1 ability for each class, + the covenant specific one. What’d make the choice of covenants still meaningful could be transmogs, mounts etc.

I mean, it’s kind of telling with many of the talents shown there: The most mobile class in the game DH, is offered a talent that further makes their mobility unparalleled; And now goes through walls, too.

I’m not gonna negative nancy on this but I don’t need to be a developer to see that this is not gonna fly.

For me its stances, reliable self heal, shattering throw (confirmed) execute actually hitting like execute (WoD) and many defensives baseline (e.g. Shieldwall, spell reflect), + banners and intervene. Oh, and overpower actually being a threathening ability.

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Got old, bit more grey in my beard and length in my teeth, I sit on my deckchair staring into the sunset mournfully wishing for days gone by that will never return.

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The only Covenant choice is Venthyr. Kael’thas will make government issued vampire goth girl friends real

I am blocking everyone who disagrees


Between this and lor’themar issuing government mandated nightborne gfs…

Mea culpa

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It’s just Arcane Torrent basically.

Please you’d only get my attiontion when they talk about all those sweet 50+ customisation option every other race(beside) Blood Elves would get.

Otherwise I 100% know the reason we won’t get High Elves is because the current writers can’t write for sh!t or a single penny when their lives depend on it.

I mean would you suddenly see an interesting story between and across the Elvish races’ hahahhaha… That would be a thing to see… Hahahha… If only Blizztard with their low-tier sh!tty writers could pull that off… Hahahha.


Reddit is super angry about the covenant system, since naturally not all abilities will be 100% balanced with each other and they therefore have to choose between performance and cosmetics.

I am used to the talents I want not always being the talents I am supposed to use, so I am not too fussed.

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That seems to be reddit every day from my experiences.


And tbh I have to be inclined to agree. Maybe not to an “angry” degree but on the whole…

I was hoping the differences would be minor but unless they drastically change some of these I can already pin which covenant would be better for X class in Y activity by a country mile.

Kyrian getting a potion butler while vampires get a teleport? Seriously? And that’s not even getting into the class abilities. It’s not just about the numbers, some of these are blatantly going to be a huge boon to classes in PvP or raiding as they stand, while the alternatives are thoroughly meh.

I don’t really trust Blizzard to balance these well, many talent choices still have a 90+% pickrate, many Azerite traits give 10% of the DPS a top tier trait gives, then there’s corruptions… Yeah.

Personally I’d prefer if all four abilities became a new set of talents you could pick between, with the ability visuals changing to suit the covenant you joined.

Hurray for the PvP vendor but my god am I worried about the covenant system now