[Spoilers] Shadowlands new patch

There is still the “The Light has made a pact with the enemy of all” (or something like that) line. And while I tend to hope most of the prophecy stuff is the stuff that was thrown out in the brainstormings of the writing room, I don’t think they are random. So I wouldn’t be too surprised if the Light offered no salvation here. Especially since it might lead into the dreaded “Evil Light” expac.

That would tie nicely after he is purged from the LK powers. And goes rogue. But doubt it.

Bear in mind that even in said scenario, Blizzard would still require to keep “Heroic” Light users. Specially if they want to create ties that relate to Alliance themes in a way that makes the faction invested in said plot point, as well as maintaining several of the dominant traits that define it.

In the scale that goes from friendly priest, to fanatic zealot, Anduin has always been positioned towards the former rather than the latter.
And taking into account the full speech of said prophecies (be them brain-farts or not), the red flag piling leans more on the likes of Turalyon.

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Sure. But you can save Anduin without having the Light be what saves him.

Well, i feel that its the most obvious plot device /Deus Ex Machina given the character and situation at hand.

The alternative about Sylvanas saving him had a few tickets too. But given his condition is most assuredly caused by her, that mashes rather horribly.

We’ll see.

No, that’s exactly why I expect it to happen. Like I said, I think the whole addon is about redemption. And I think Sylvanas has a good chance of dying and ending up in Revendreth in the attempt. I also very much expect Arthas to be a part of it.

Saurfang, Lor’themar, Baine, Thrall, 99% of the Horde military, most Horde factions are all given redemption by last minute switching from “Haha, Garrosh/Sylvanas best Warchief ever” to “Booh, Garrosh/Sylvanas’ were so evil, they forced our armies and leaders to cheer for the genocide and warcrimes they commited”.

The orchestrators of mass-genocides, of war, of countless warcrimes in the Horde keep getting away with it and keep getting considered “noble and just” by Alliance leaders, even if they keep starting war after war.

Fandral Staghelm, Archbishop Benedictus and Bishop Farthing are just three examples at the top of my head of those that were corrupted by evil magic. Varian Wrynn, Liam Greymane and Galen Trollbane were all lost to evil magic (two of them to the Horde). And these six where at the top of my head.

So please do not spread your Horde propoganda (or lies) in this thread.

What leaders outside of Nathanos, Garrosh and Zaela have the Horde lost? Thrall went from a simple warrior-shaman to the World-Shaman, Sylvanas went from a simple banshee to whatever she is now.

The Horde gained Ebonhorn, the oldest uncorrupted Black Dragon around, First Arcanist THalyssra, one of the oldest and strongest mages on the world, and they gained Talanji, Queen of the Zandalari Empire and favoured by all the Zandalari Gods, who could summon spirits that not even Ebonhorn could.

So again, please do not lie as the Horde’s leaders either gain power too or recruit very powerful individuals to their cause.

Yes, Prophet Velen had a vision where an old man King Anduin Wrynn, chosen of the Light, led the Army of the Light against the forces of evil.

What do you think? Maybe I’m just acting like the Alliance version of Erevien? Maybe I’m serious?

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God I can’t wait to spit on S*lvanas once she lies powerless before us. That’s gonna be literally the most satisfying moment from the whole MMORPG ever.

Killed by the knights of the ebon blade.

The burning legion killed him. Stop making crap up.

Not propaganda. Just facts. You are the one listing up fairytales.

The Horde lost
the AU warlords.
MU Kargath,
Teron Gorefiend.

Before that, killed and risen by the Horde.

Never said the Horde killed him, just evil magic. Stop projecting it on the Horde.

It’s the otherway around buddy, stop projecting.

Those aren’t Horde heroes or leaders. Unless you admit there’s no difference between the Sunfury/Burning Legion elves, Old Horde, New Horde and Iron Horde?

By that logic (if applied to the Alliance and its current races) the Alliance’ has lost Kael’thas, Terenas, Anastarian, Sylvanas, Tirion, Kil’jaeden, Archimonde, Uther, AU Velen, Antonidas, Garithos, Blackmoore, Perenolde, Alonsus Faol, Calia, Derek, Daelin, Thoras Trollbane, Rhonin, Anduin Lothar, Datrohan and the list can go on and on.

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Given that Anduin looks older on the leaked image, he might age way faster than some expect.

gl hf

Though in an interview, I think with T&E, the devs did say that this was a possible future for Anduin that they had discussed, not a certain one they would surely stick to. Quite some years and personell have gone by since then.


True and even ingame, Velen admits that his visions are probable, but not certainty.


Did they just rehash an Arthas model.

Why yes, looks like they did.

This is a really bad writing tool. However, the writing of Shadowlands is so atrocious that even this would be an improvement. Yes, I never thought I’d say it, but I wish we got back to the writing quality of BFA or even WoD.

You think we’ll actually be rid of Anduin? nah. He’ll plague the story for years


Apart from Anduin, though, we should at least acknowledge this:

  • Raid the Sanctum of Domination - Brave treacherous, unexplored reaches of Torghast in a new 10-boss raid: the Sanctum of Domination. Encounter the true Eye of the Jailer, turn the tide against the Tarragrue, and come face-to-face with the Banshee Queen herself in a fateful confrontation.

I mean, that sounds like a raid fight involving her, doesn’t it? Unlikely that her story ends there, but it’s also a bit early for her turning point, isn’t it?

Not if we are to have a character arch that eventually has her aiding us topple Zovaal.

Or maybe, she is to go down as Gul’dan did in Legion.

No, I highly doubt that. And well… we still have at least 2 story chapters to go after 9.1, probably more, if not all .05-patches are without any story. So it would either mean we are really drawing out that redemption-stuff out over a year, or that the Jailer will actually fall in 9.3.I guess Sylvanas might also vanish now until her entrance in 9.25/9.3 and leave us in peace for 9.2…

I guess we’ll find out. But it is earlier than I expected.

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