Except you didn’t list a single flaw.
You just proclaimed they existed.
Which part of “This addon has been available since Vanilla” confuses you?
I gave a perfect example of it’s flaw and why it’s game breaking.
Just because you don’t want to see it, doesn’t mean I didn’t point it out already.
So because something existed in Vanilla it should exist in Classic? Why don’t we have decursive anymore? Oh yeah, Blizzard saw it as a form of cheating.
Bots existed too in Vanilla, shall we bring back all the gold farming Hunter bots, all the fishing bots, heal bots in raids (yes no actual player even playing, just a character with healing abilities automated), I can go on with the list of stuff that existed in Vanilla… Shall we bring everything back, cause no changes right?
So you say. Feel free to back it up with proof any time.
We do have Decursive. We also had Decursive in Vanilla.
What we don’t have, and what they removed, was the part of it that made certain actions and sequences automatic.
Which reminds me…
No, a single press that sets off a sequence of events or automatically changes an action without player input (like shift or ctrl) is considered automation by Blizzard.
And you just went full RDJ.
Well done.
Spy addon killing all classic pvp expirience.
Will you @Blizzard do something about it ?
Its exlpoit and cheat - not a helping addon.
Do we need two threads on same subject?
EDIT: This got moved by mod.
See this is the problem with the anti spy brigade… exaggeration and misinformation.
I’m doing the same thing as you.
You’re the one not wanting to see the facts, you use the add-on yourself and know exactly how it works and that it pops up anyone on a list that’s in a certain proximity of you with a sound added too for every player that comes close.
Yet, you still want me to show you what it does?
Keep being ignorant, I’ll follow Mark Twain’s advice now.
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
That’s nice, dear.
The way Auras & Buffs in Classic are appearing in the combat log is not like it was in Vanilla and is part of the problem that Spy generates in the mind of certain people.
During Vanilla I used Vanera Kill On Sight, that was beeping as soon as a player from my kos list was active nearby or passed under my pointer. The combat log was not so intrusive in terms of data sent. So it was less a worry for gankers.
Nowadays, you wear a Buff and arrive in the yards around me and my combat log, I know it. Spy or not spy installed.
Back in the days, you arrived with a buff near me, I didn’t knew you wore that buff.
This is what makes Spy so lovely in a hand, so hated in another hand.
Now kill Spy, it will not change the fact that my Combat log writes me Your presence in CRIMSON RED.
You think it’s worth pointing out to him that Spy lists visually confirmed players too (because duh. Ofc it does), or do you think the fact that he couldn’t figure out something that painfully obvious says enough…?
I dunno, they could read here what it does, but they won’t.
They’re visually confirmed by others, not by your character. That’s one of the big flaws of the add-on.
Now if it simply only showed the people that are in YOUR line of vision and you’ve been able to mouse over them for example it would be a complete different story. But as we both know, that’s not the case.
You can keep trying to defend the add-on, but you should stop trying to ignore the simple facts which make the add-on a problem.
If it was something simple as only showing people that are in your line of sight, it would still be a little bit broken but not so much as it is right now.
Well, so far Spy apparently lets you target people in stealth, gives you the exact locations of people, lets you tell others the exact location of people, shows anyone nearby regardless of if it shows up in the combat log or not, and now it apparently also automatically shares information with others.
You’d think the author of Spy would have listed those things…
Found this screenshot showing combat log being used for enemy actions, pretty cool. If I didn’t have Spy I would do that instead. But since Spy exists I will use Spy.
Yeah, I’d probably have a filtered combat log displayed too.
Or just do what I usually do anyway and have max view distance and pan the camera around when I’m in combat.
Wonder if I can fins that old way to extend the camera view distance… Used to have a lot further away than now.
Go disable Spy, play a week with your combat log open and see if you can get the same results you’re getting now with Spy active.
I already know what’s going to happen, you probably won’t even bother trying and thus shouldn’t bother replying to defend your add-on with flawed arguments until you did what I suggested.