Why? The Spy addon exists. Addons make things easier. Kinda the point.
Look how long they’ve been talking about Spy lol. I can’t be bothered more searching, but I’m sure it goes back and back eheh. It also contains much misinformation and exaggeration.
Well then you misunderstand what the addons did. You pressing a button didn’t set off a sequence of events it only activated a single event. It was very much similar to what a castsequence macro does, except that the sequence had some AI behind it. What matters in terms of the rules is that every action has a player action behind it.
It does in the sense as AI is defined when it comes to games. So for example there is AI in WoW mobs. It is very simple but it is still there. Similartly these addons had simple AI to decide what target to dispel or to heal. They even accounted for what target other players in your group were casting a heal on, and how much it was going to heal. So yeah, I’d call it game AI. It was at least as complex as NPC AI is.
We shouldn’t redefine the meaning of words to bolster an argument. Looks like exaggeration to me.
But regardless, what does it have to do with Spy? It reads the combat log and presents the information nicely. How is that relevant to an addon that you claim is using “AI”?
“In general use, the term “artificial intelligence” means a programme which mimics human cognition.”
I’m not redefining anything I am using terminology that has been used for decades when talking about games. What you are doing is trying to apply terminology that is used to describe cutting edge AI research to games.
Read what I wrote again because you are clearly missing the point and not by a little as well. I was never claiming that Spy has AI to it. Where you got that from I will never know but it must be your imagination.
You were comparing addons in terms of their op’ness, bringing artificial intelligence into the argument. Not relevant to Spy, which is what this topic is about.
I was describing what old addons did when I brought up AI. Please read what was actually said and respond to that. Arguing with your wild imagination is too tiresome to bother with.
I really need to go over the whole conversation with you for you to get it?
Alright then:
The argument was that Spy is fine because it does not break the rules.
I then brought up the old Decursive addon, along with Healbot as an example of addons that were disabled.
Response is that those addons broke the rules.
I then pointend out that they did not, because all actions had a player action behind it, similar to a /castsequance macro, but with the difference that there was some AI behind the sequance.
Did that save you the trouble of having to read what you are responding to?
It’s not about Spy using AI it is about rules being broken or not being broken. Neither Spy, Decursive nor Healbot break or broke any rules, yet still Decursive and Healbot were both altered by Blizzard.