Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

Well nothing apparently. You just didn’t read what you were responding to.

So Spy is ok then.

I don’t like it but I am ok with anything that was possible to do in the original. Presumable Spy was. Now that doesn’t mean that I will pretend that it is not one of the most powerful addons that I have seen since Vanilla :slight_smile:

Ye it’s awesome! :slight_smile:

Are you always this stupid or just acting like a complete idiot on this topic?

I’m going to have a discussion with the wall in front of me, cause I will get a more intelligent answer from it then I will ever receive from you.

Yeah, the AI determining what to cast without player interaction is what makes it different from a castsequence macro. The macro will perform a pre-determined sequence of events with every press. Any change to the set sequence requires player interaction. The AI changed the sequence based on external input, without requiring player input. Basically a if/then automation.
That’s what broke the rules.

Edit: To clarify, Blizzard determine what constitutes a breach of the rules and automation in regards to WoW, and they determined Decursive, Healbot, and so on did. Whether we consider it automation or not is irrelevant in that regard.

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Except that it didn’t break the rules. Decursive remained for the entirety of Vanilla and not a single player was banned for using it. They clearly didn’t consider it against the terms of service.

Whoa… hostile! :slight_smile:

You may consider the addon a cheat and dislike it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is a legitimate addon, that accesses api features that Blizz deem NOT cheating. If they disable those api features, and Spy + many others addons break, so be it. I’ll use the combat log instead.

Like this guy!

Like I already said earlier, Decursive wasn’t removed.
They simply removed it’s ability to do what broke the rules.
For Decursive specifically, that was being able to simply press a button and automatically decurse/cleanse anyone within range without targeting them.
That’s why the Decursive we have now requires you to actually click on a player name with an assigned button to decurse/cleanse them.

If it broke the rules it wouldn’t have taken them literal years to do something about it.

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You do know there are multiple threads on everything from reddit to mmo-champ about how and why Decursive was forced to change, right…?

Can you share one of them where Blizzard talks about it breaking the terms of service? That is the argument that you are making after all.

Where farming bots legitimate back in Vanilla or did they exist till Blizzard found a way to stop them from existing?

You’re pointing out the exact reason why Blizzard hasn’t been able to simply disable certain functions of the add-on, cause it will break other add-ons that aren’t game breaking in any way.

Now answer my question before replying with anything else again.
Are you always this stupid or simply acting like a complete idiot on this topic?

In case you’ve never tried to track down blue posts from the old forums, all links to them just send you to the current WoW main page. Which can make finding specific blue posts a pain.
There is however this comment by a blue (the forum link in it doesn’t work):

Now he doesn’t explicitly say it was against the rules, so I stand corrected (and cba to search for the blue posts from the thread he’s referring to). They did however do exactly what I said and simply removed the functionality they didn’t want to be possible, which was the automation.

But it’s also not the point. The point is that the functionality was removed because it did something Blizz didn’t want it to be able to do, because it went against their intentions/grand designs/whatever you want to call it.
If that was the case with Spy, the same thing would happen to it. And even Blizz aren’t slow enough to ignore something they don’t like for 15 years.

The reason why Blizzard hasn’t been able to simply remove certain functions has been pointed out already many times before and you even stated it yourself if I remember correctly from reading last night.
It’s because it will break a lot of other add-ons that aren’t game breaking in any way.

Did Blizzard remove all bots back in the day right away? No it took them till TBC to figure out a way to get rid of them without banning people that showed similar behaviors to those bots.

If Blizzard can’t find a way to disable the game breaking functions the Spy add-on provides, they will simply ban people from using them in time and if that’s going to happen in time. I will be laughing my a$$ off from all the tears that people will bring from not being able to use their cheat anymore or that they got banned for using it.


Blizzard, like any game company, only reacts to things as they become a problem. Spy until Classic has not been one as far as I have been able to notice. So it is not surprising that it would not be disabled already.

Now it is possible that I didn’t personally notice every controversy that happened with the game. If this is a debate that has happened many times before in the past that would be very helpful to know about.

Addons debates and where the line is drawn is definitely nothing new.
It’s usually either about something that gets it’s functionality is intentionally broken (like Decursive, or someone starts complaining about a specific addon (like Spy or VanasKoS), or it involves some extra third-party software (like some multi-boxing software).
But generally it’s not brought up until one of those things happen, and automatic alerts for addon updates means people rarely pay much attention or even notice when a patch breaks an addon, because the authors have already fixed them as needed.
I vaguely remember some complaining about Blizz restricting the ability of addons to control movements very early on (like patch 1.2 or something) and people getting in trouble or warnings for using addons that still did that because it wasn’t common knowledge for those who didn’t read the forums or patch notes.
And some fishing addons were broken, because they automated casting and reeling in.
But people are going to disagree about what constitutes cheating or hacking or botting, so topics like this will pop up. This is the third thread I’ve seen in classic about Spy specifically, ranging from “ban this” to “will I get banned”. Probably missed more than a few of them too.

You don’t remember correctly.
That’s why I’m against breaking it’s functionality. Near as I can tell, Blizz hasn’t made any statement about Spy. Ever.
And if they wanted to break it, they’d do it.

First of all, bots use third party software. Addons use in-game functionalities that Blizz make available. Big difference.
The former can be changed and updated without Blizz being able to do anything about them, except ban users (or take the programmers to court). The latter Blizz can shut down by simply restricting what they can access. That’s why addons can’t control movements anymore.
Secondly, no it didn’t. People got banned for botting in vanilla. Then people updated or made new bots. Which Blizz started banning. So people updated or made new bots. Which Blizz started banning. Etc, etc, etc.

Yeah, good luck with that.

You’re against breaking the functionality, cause it will make you unable to use it anymore? If you won’t mind not being able to use it anymore, you won’t mind if Blizzard bans the use of it either same as they did with bots.

Add-ons are also considered third party, as they’re made by a third party and not by Blizzard itself.

Fact remains, certain functions of Spy are game breaking and thus either the creators of Spy should remove them (doubt they will do that, cause they can’t cheat anymore either if they do) or Blizzard should ban people from using it after giving a warning statement about it.

No matter how you try to twist and turn arguments to the favor of keeping Spy, fact remains it’s a form of cheating as it is right now and thus shouldn’t be allowed in the game. If you still disagree on that, you shouldn’t get annoyed by people using a Wallhack or Aimbot in a shooting game either but I bet you would scream otherwise in that case unless you yourself are someone that can’t play without stuff like that.

Well, I don’t think I’m convinced by that example. It takes no effort to see a name appear in an empty log and use the /tar command on it. Which Spy can’t even do, by the way, unless you’re out of combat.
If you want to compare these addons working at their full potential, which I assume you do, the example with Questie should be more like keeping track on 15-20 active quests at the same time, with all the objectives and locations. I’m not sure its exactly easier to memorize all that and use this info to make an efficient questing route than to keep an eye on the names in a filtered combat log and targeting them.
Then again, its all very subjective, of course. But frankly, I think the only reason people are mad about Spy and not about Questie is because Spy affects the part of the gameplay they actually care about, not because the addon itself is more powerful than any other.