Can you source that? It’s not that I doubt that it was possible to make but I have yet to see anyone provide actual evidence that it was made in Vanilla. I have seen some links but they were all TBC / WotLK.
Add-ons weren’t widely spread used like they’re today, heck most people even were against add-ons in general no matter what the add-on did. Their argument was “it’s not in the game, so you shouldn’t be using it”
Besides that, there wasn’t a website where you could conveniently search for add-ons and install them on the fly. Getting add-ons to use, seemed as rocket science for most people back then so they didn’t even bother trying.
Add-ons were widely used during and after WotLK but not before.
The server I played on back then, was quite heavy on the PvP side with a lot of “hardcore” PvP players and I had never heard of any add-on back then similar to Spy
You mentioned Try-hard’s but a Try-hard goes by definition beyond what regular players do or they wouldn’t be trying hard enough and thus wouldn’t be a Try-hard.
They might have a advantage over the rest, but that’s only because they go way beyond the rest would go to be better at the game and they’re still limited by their human capabilities.
As I stated before, having the combat log open and watching it a lot only helps to a certain degree and not to the maximum degree Spy gives people with no effort at all and breaking one of the classes in the game.
The fact the add-on is breaking a class, is what’s wrong with it and the reason why it shouldn’t even exist or go.
When you’re playing a shooter game, you don’t want a aimbot in the game either unless you’re so bad that you can’t play the game without it and you want anyone banned for using it cause it simply breaks the game and gives a huge advantage that doesn’t require a person to put any effort in.
Memory may not be 100% due to game being around soooo long. Ill admit I’m surprised there isn’t a classic wiki detailing the if and when of this stuff.
But whilst were on the topic of “Oh Noes they have an advantage”, might as well ask all macros be removed as well. They offer an advantage vs people who don’t use macros.
Same goes for healing and decursive addons.
Its a slippery slope to start on.
As are name plates, they let you see through solid walls at close range, so you can endlessly line of sight people.
Thanks for admitting that .
There is a difference between putting the effort into making a macro that make one or two things easier to do, compared to a add-on that does a lot of things that are humanly impossible to do and presenting everything in a way it’s breaking a class and a certain aspect of the game.
Then explain why your not on your soap box demanding its removal in retail as well. Offers just as much advantage today as when it first came out.
Ok first of all, I don’t play Retail.
Second, Rogues in Classic aren’t faster while stealth like they’re in Retail but the opposite instead.
Third, you cannot compare Classic to Retail as those are two complete different games and it’s like trying to compare a Apple to a Orange. So saying “But Spy is in Retail, so it should be available in Classic” isn’t logic at all.
I have to push you on this because you made a very agressively worded statement about this:
So you didn’t in reality even try to see if there was something to be found with a “basic search”? You just insulted everyone based on assumptions?
Trajan take your passive aggressive response and, well you get the idea. I’m not going to go out of my way to do anything for you as I already admitted I couldn’t find the specific bit of info myself, shock, horror, I actually don’t pretend I’m perfect like a lot of you keyboard warriors on your little soap boxes.
Okwipe, you went about spamming arcane explosion? Well goodie for you, let us know how often that brings a rogue out of stealth without going oom or letting them know you know they are there.
Skiffie I don’t particularly care if you only play classic and not retail, point is the addon is a avail in both. It still doesn’t stop people killing you in either version of the game and is simply a quality of life improvement.
I’m not expecting you to be perfect. I just expect that someone who calls people “special” for not finding something is actually able to find said thing them self. So are you now categorizing yourself the same as you did all of us seeing as you are no more able than anyone else?
Ok, you just proved yourself to be a idiot…
I’m going to suggest you to educate yourself on many different levels, so you might learn how to think and use your brains.
That’s it Skiffie, let the insults run free, unleash your forum trolliness, show us how you cant think up a valid response.
I challenge you to come up with a valid response yourself .
Maybe you should go read the entire topic before responding to me again, you’ve just made yourself look even more stupid now.
I wasn’t insulting you, merely stating a fact and gave you advice on how to stop being a idiot.
The fact, you took that as a insult is a different story and not my fault you can’t handle the truth.
Simple, if you don’t want to use it. Don’t. As noted before its not going to magically win world pvp fights for you.
Just as any other addon / macro isn’t going to win a fight for you.
You the person, still have to put in the effort to find them with your eyes and then attack them or flee from them in the correct direction.
I commend you once again, thank you for the intelligent, polite reply .
I will admit, I am just an on looker in this fiasco, I chose to reroll for a fourth time onto a PvE realm, so I do not even have Spy installed hehe. This does not mean I cannot have an opinion on the matter and for that opinion, I refer you to my original reply (558) to this thread. Cheers.
Two different things. Spy addon is using Blizz’s own API and is therefore not cheating.
Two different things.
Ahh yes, but the Classic LFG addon used Blizz’s API and that got banned, which is what spurred on this discussion to ban the Spy addon .
I’m pretty sure there was a early kill on sight addon, similar to spy, but I cant for the life of me remember its name, I think it also let you set a personal back story that others could see if they had the same addon.