Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

They didn’t ban the addon.

Are you retarded or simply trolling? I can’t tell the difference anymore and I don’t want to explain to you again why the Spy add-on falls under the category of cheating.

Why do you get to decide the definition of cheating? Shouldn’t the people that made the game decide the rules? They are ok with Spy. You are just the user, and are subject to their rules.

I don’t decide that it’s cheating, the facts do.
Where did Blizzard state they’re completely okay with the Spy add-on and anyone using it?
Just because they didn’t say anything about it, doesn’t mean they’re okay with it either. They’re hardly responding on any thread in the forums these days, they read them but don’t respond to them like they used to.
If you want to know why, they don’t respond so often to none anymore on the forums, I suggest you go on a memory lane on Google and find out yourself.

If Blizz were unhappy about an addon, they would simply kill its functionality. No banning anything or anyone, just pull the plug. But they have never done so. Therefore, they are ok with this addon. You may not like that, but that’s the game as supplied to you by the makers.

If the solution was that simple, Blizzard would’ve probably done so already.
As many people have explained in detail before, simply disabling certain functions of the add-on will break many other add-ons that are perfectly fine within the game.

Now please go back to the Retail forums as I doubt you even play Classic, instead of still trying to defend a add-on that’s breaking a class in Classic.

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The solution is that simple. Spy is using Blizz’s api - an api that they have full control over, can do anything they want with. If they wanted to, they could disable addons that parse the combat log - just shut off that part of api. Yes, this would break other addons. But if they decide Spy is bad for parsing the combat log, there’d be no reason why they’d think other addons that also do that get a pass. Break all addons that parse the combat log. But ye, why would they?

Do I have to explain the backlash Blizzard will get if they go with your simple solution cause they didn’t only break one add-on but many others with it or can you figure that out for yourself?

I really don’t understand how you can keep trying to think of ways of how you can defend your precious add-on when everything is already pointed out in this thread on why it’s bad, why it needs to go and why Blizzard hasn’t done anything about it yet.
Like are you always this stupid, or doing your absolute best to look like a complete idiot?

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If Blizz considered Spy was a ‘game breaker’, I believe yes they would disable that part of the api functionality. They’ve shown willingness to do this for other addons that many used. People can be upset all they want if it affects other addons, it’s not their decision.

Your belief is completely wrong then and there isn’t always a simple solution to every problem. If there was, there wouldn’t be any problems in the world anymore.

As I stated before and will do for the last time… Just because Blizzard hasn’t disabled the add-on or done anything about it doesn’t mean they’re okay with it and not trying to do something about it.
Have you ever thought of the possibility, that they’re looking into ways on how to disable this broken add-on without breaking other things? Or is that something you could have never come up with yourself?

Got any knowledge about programming? Don’t bother, I know you don’t cause if you did you would already know that changing one thing can mess up a lot of other things unintended and good luck fixing that mess up.
It’s the horror of every programmer.

Blizz have previously stated that they will not tolerate cheating of any kind. Yet we still have Spy, which uses Blizz’s own API, which is designed to allow what Spy does. I guess they don’t consider it cheating of any kind.

They can prevent addons being able to access the combat log. That would disable spy + any other addon doing the same thing. If Spy doing it is bad, other addons doing it is bad. So no matter.

Then it’s a matter of time before either the add-on gets disabled in some ways or they’ll simply ban people for using it.

Why would they ban people for using an addon that Blizz themselves allow to work via their own API that they have full control over… nonsense.

Okay, you’re just a troll… Anyone know where I can find the report button?

No one has EVER been banned for using a WoW addon. Unless you have other knowledge. Why would they start with Spy?

Report button is under the post, go ahead lol.

Loads of people have been banned back in the day for using add-ons that Blizzard deemed forbidden, no perma bans but temp bans and it was always after Blizzard had announced said add-on wasn’t allowed to use. Go use Decursive in the state Blizzard said “That’s not allowed” and you’ll get a ban.
Blizzard even banned loads of people for using a glitch, while they weren’t even aware of the risk of using said glitches or they got temp banned for using a glitch by accident.

If you think Blizzard has any trouble banning people, you’re completely mistaken as they have no problem in using the ban hammer and they never had any problem using it either.

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It has nothing to do with something being illegal or not.
The fact is Spy currently breaks the Rogue class making them unable to get the element of surprise. Which is the core on what Rogues are build around.

You think Tips Out duel tournament had the rule “Rogues will get the chance to open” for nothing? That rule was implemented, simply because Rogues rely on it to stand a chance against most classes and if that rule wasn’t implemented Rogues wouldn’t stand a chance in the tournament as they would simply get rolled over by almost every other class.

If I have the tools to kill someone in real life, does that make it okay for me to use those tools and kill people with it? Or am I allowed to use the tools but not to kill or harm another person with it?
Same principal goes to the use of the Blizzard API’s for people to make add-ons, just because you have the tools doesn’t mean you’re also allowed to use them in a way that’s damaging to others.

What add-ons besides Spy give a advantage over others in game? I can’t think of any actually. Maybe threat meter, as that allows me to maximize my DPS in dungeons and raids but that benefits everyone in the group or raid.
Most and probably almost all add-ons are simple tools that make 1 or 2 things easier but nothing game breaking at all and it usually benefits everyone or doesn’t interfere with anyone else’s game play unlike Spy.

Stop crying little crybaby !

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You lacking attention? No one to play with in Retail?