Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

Man, those were better times, we got to complain about faction imbalance ruining wpvp, addons ruining wpvp and wpvp things like that.

Now every thread is about AV

You say that, but you just necro’d a thread that nobody replied to for 20 days, now THAT’S really silly!

I miss the spy and wpvp threads.

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I’ve not found i’ve been able to click any name when rogues stealth near me - they’re invisible. So aren’t clickable. I’m not crying QQ about alliance perception generally. I’m saying its range was ridiculous. I was over 100 yards away and they ran straight at me - spy app may allow them to know i’m there perception allow them to see me if close enough - but i don’t consider 100yards reasonable range for perception to work. That said perceptuion range may have ben nerfed too.

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