Get your facts right hehe. At least be annoyed about actual problems, rather than imaginary ones.
All i can say is look how stupid the range is on this addon, and how he can target the player WITHOUT EVEN SEEING THE PERSON.
This addon is a joke and should be removed.
Hi, and welcome to December!
The first thing you’ll want to take note of is that it isn’t September.
Enjoy your stay!
It wasn’t Spy that ruined world pvp, it was the massive faction imbalance.
I wanna join and support the complain about this addon. I just can’t believe how blizzard allows this, it sounds like a joke. It ruins all the suprise factor and still some people says it doesn’t affect? Just disgusting
Blizzard should really take this Spy addon cheat tool more seriously, PvP servers are already getting abandoned cuz of whining people who can’t take the heat, but was dumb and rolled on PvP.
(I play on PvE, the reason I hate Spy addon is because it is a cheat tool, no matter if it affects me or not, I would never stand and watch others suffer just cuz I’m not the one suffering.)
I think we all agree that if a player use an Addon it should NOT affect other players in any way!
The whole reason Spy addon is a cheat is that it breaks this rule!
Rogues and Feral Druids are forced to run away and stealth, then come back even if you have not seen them the Spy addon cheat tool would have alerted you if they dare to stealth nearby, so your addon is game breaking for Rogues and Feral Druids, Spy Addon ruins the gameing experience for other players and it is in no way a tool ever intended by Blizzard to be used against stealth players and since MANY players choose Rogue, this cheat tool affects a lot of people ruining the fun for them, the whole reason they picked Rogue was probably it’s core mechanic that is stealth!
Like I said before anyone defending Spy Addon is a pathetic cheater.
Nice one, make up a rule and then say Spy breaks it and therefore a cheat… lies.
Are you seriously trying to push the idea that if rogues and ferals can’t attack right after they stealth, it’s gamebreaking…?
Please Blizzard, ban this addon! It has become a necessary evil that you can prevent. It’s clear most people want it banned, address it please.
Apart from range detection itself, even during a group fight it becomes too easy to target enemy healers for instance, and to see the exact count of players. The element of surprise is very important for pvp and this addon ruins it.
They don’t ban addons, they remove features from wow api. So for spy, they’d remove combat log parsing. Imagine the fury when all combat log addons stop working.
You are exaggerating spy’s impact on wpvp, nothing is ruined.
Spy literally8 mak0es zero difference to my pvp experience. - On alts you’re zerged by 5 l.evel 60 alliance who instead of pvping theirt own level are chasing level 50’s in low zones. The spy beeping up someoine is coming is too late they8’re alreayd on you and you’re dead.
Knowing someone just stealthed nearby - is pretty useless too, unless you’re a great pvp player and 90% of peoiple are not - the spy addin does not improve their ability to pvp. And your stealth advant7age sti0ll wins over 99% of the time.
For me the biggest issue in the game is how human perception can see druids in stealth from 50 yards and head straight at them. The spy app provides name and class true, but again unless you’re super quick at targetting and have over whelming numbers that doesn’t make it significantly easier to win fights.
Honestly I’m, crap at PVP anyway and i find it provides little use beyond knowing some alliance are coming, rarely can we get out of the way of them as by the time it pings up its too late and that includes stealth.
Speaking as a druid whose played feral and mostly resto now. The spy app really is the least of the issues - alliance seem able to see through stealth from ridiculous ranges.
Blizzard are afraid to reply as usual to the real concerns of the community this addon needs removing.
It has been nerfed yes, but still. This addon is cheating and should be removed. You quickly get the count and composition of the enemy team that you wouldn’t get otherwise. But more serious is the ability to detect stealthed players before they reveal themself! How is this addon still in the game? Blizzard pls ban this addon. It’s against the spirit of any game.
Just to point out that you have it much better off than Alliance when it comes to questing as Horde. You may have 5 level 60’s ganking level 50’s playing as Horde but it’s not even close to the level of ganking Horde do because they have the majority on PvP servers - servers that have almost equal faction balance you have factions fighting over neutral FP’s and controlling BRM but the majority of servers have a massive imbalance where Horde literally control FP’s, control BRM, control the boats and going anywhere takes you 3-4 times as long. You don’t know how good you actually have it as Horde. Just look at Flamelash almost all of the Alliance transferred away because of the hordes constant griefing. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t matter what faction you play which ever faction has the majority is going to do this whether it’s Horde or Alliance.
Also Perception may be strong against Druid or Rogue but it’s nothing in comparison to WoTF/Hardiness. Blizzard is not going to change racials regardless but if they was to do so I can guarantee you that perception would remain unchanged whilst they would nerf WoTF/Hardiness as they did in retail.
Final point to make; you say Spy doesn’t effect your PvP experience and then go on to complain about perception, have you ever stopped to consider that players playing Human with spy will be notified that you have stealthed and in turn they pop perception to try find you so in reality it actually has affected your PvP experience you just haven’t realised it because they may of never known that you are nearby and just stealthed without Spy.
Spy also lets you click on the name of the target inside the box allowing you to instantly target a player so you don’t need to be super quick at targeting, you just tap on a players name as soon as it appears in the spy box and then cast your spell instantly afterwards.
What boggles my mind is they ban LFG which actually has less of an effect on the game overall but do absolutely nothing about Spy when realistically it does more harm to the feel of the game than LFG.
I’m using Spy myself and only doing so because I’d be at a big disadvantage otherwise but if I had my way then I’d prefer if Blizzard removed it entirely…
Well this still is in the game and until blizzard take notice i believe we should keep spamming what we all agree on that the addon should be removed.
Strange… I don’t remember appointing you High Arbiter of Opinions…
cause horde dont do the same right…
Nothing wrong with spy addon, grow up.
Ok cool story. I was completely aware of both of your points.
So… Why did you reply to my post?
Nothing in my post contradicts anything of yours. If you want to flaunt your IQ then pick a better battle.