Spy addon could easily ruin world PvP for classic

Once you have target you can mark skull, the marks are visible through walls. It is basically a legal wallhack. I havent used any addon in classic personally but i have targeted quest mobs and marked with skull once i get them to easily spot where they are.

One simple solution to this addon is by simply nerfing the combatlogs, showing logs of opposing faction conjuring water or applying poison is not a necessity at all. Only relevant info in combatlog should be the things that directly affects your character in game.


It’s only cheating if the people that make the rules say it is. You don’t make the rules, Blizz do.

Some people can read.
Some people can understand what they’re reading.
The ability to think and estimate, to see causes and effects is not that given for all people.
Sometimes its good to keep things simple, it helps to see deeper.

It’s also “not cheating” to alter the gamma and turn down the graphics to make it easier to spot enemies in a first person shooter, but it’s still viewed a method of playing that has a negative impact on the quality of the game because it allows players to do things they otherwise could not do by abusing what the game permits.

But sadly a lot of people don’t care about keeping a game in a good state as long as they win. Some people are too easily butt-hurt to try to play properly.

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Correct, it’s not cheating.

You must be wonderful to play with in a game of Monopoly.

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I never lose :slight_smile:

Oh I wonder why :roll_eyes:

I’m sorry I can’t relate to people who are pathetic enough to download an add-on to allow them to see through stealth easier. I’d rather git gud on my own, thanks.

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To see through stealth easier? Which addon are you talking about?

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this is amazing how 90% of the people here have absolutely no idea how subject addon works :joy:

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vanilla we had NPC scan witch were way more broken

Well, you’d think they wisened up 15 years later.

I mean they did break decursive , which should have happened in Vanilla.

No reason they can’t keep improving the game now that they have a second chance to do right. It’s a win-win situation. You improve world PvP. And you kick the cheaters in the D*. Everybody wins.


Spy add on is literally game breaking in my honest opinion.

Literally makes world pvp worse.


Raid target marking should work only for lead and only in raids or parties. I remember passing lead to tanks so they can mark, I’m sure it wasn’t like this in vanilla. Was it?

This is exactly my point. its still here and blizzard are yet to reply on the matter.

The Spy addon automatically alerts players of enemy presences with a shrill noise and provides them with an easy way to target and pin point their location.
The addon-less alternative is to religiously study a modified combat log 24/7 to achieve an inferior method of early detection.

Ambush a player from behind a hill, out of line of sight, pre-buff for the fight and the unsuspecting victim will immediately know of your ambush not through their vigilance but through tool assistance.

I think it is clear why people are annoyed something like this exists and wanting it and its likes gone seems reasonable.


Example, World pvp Rogue A has addon, and Rogue B does not who would you all rather be in a world pvp situation.

Honest answers please.


It’s no more gamebreaking than DBM telling you exactly what a boss is gonna do, what to do about it and when it’s gonna happen.
If they kill Spy then they should kill DBM too.
Plus it existed in Vanilla, different name but functionally the same and Blizzard were cool with it.

No it doesn’t allow you to pinpoint someone’s location, it just pings when someone is nearby.
It also only gives you a stealthed player alert when someone activates it nearby, if you approach someone with Spy whilst stealthed sufficiently far enough away it doesn’t trigger an alert, nor can you target them if they’re out of range.