Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

Oh…if I was a writer blizzard for one year.

The changes, oh the sweet changes I would make in the lore.

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Oh I like the sound of that.

Yeah, I hope we can make more out of it. All the alliance haters are annoying. Why the guys who don’t have any clue about the lore have to response?


Tbh I at least have to agree with you on killing on Thomas Zelling, he had something about him that just made him a nice addition as a character. Obviously I wouldve loved to keep the only forsaken Shaman (=Tidesage) around.

Seriously though, Thomas and Voss wouldve made the first ever cute Forsaken couple. Thomas feeling drawn to Voss, but in conflict due to his wife who now sees im as a monster anyway. Voss similarly drawn to Thomas, but considering his situation keeps a distance and tries to help him out.

The most tragic thing being they probably never even knew the other felt the same attraction and it couldve been a real Forsaken love story. But Thomas got shot by Nathanos before they got the chance to ugh.

First SylVarian RIP, and now ThoLlian RIP, so sad. I hope Ill see Thomas in the Maw next year at least.


I literally faction changed to Horde right there, right then after recovering from my tripple nerdgasm.

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You were alliance ?

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Omg yes I need atleast a lil sign like this, but I think itll be datamined soon. Even freakin Nzoth his “Loyalists” got some dialogue about begging for some whispers. At this point I refuse to believe they wont do the same for the Forsaken and pretty much leave them in complete uncertainty regarding their role in her future plotting of their only Dark Lady.

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I do think Satyr would be a lovely addition to the game. A different new race instead of a re-skin of a playable race already in game.

As for Sylvanas I hope they stick to their word and never put her in as a raid boss. It will totally be Garrosh 2.0 if they do.


Yes same , but the guy thinks Sylvanas is irredeemable compared to the Satyr of all races was the one who was making fun of us for liking “corpse lady” , when her motives are kinda unclear, but slowly unveiling towards a good redemption

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Yes I was young and stupid back then :D. Hadnt met my Dark Lady yet at that time, though I did start on the realm named after her lol.

My older sister had friends who played it. Cus they were gonna “help”, I rolled Draenei Shaman. They never helped, gave me any g or what so ever, just showing off their epics and Alar (back in TBC) just to fly off again. Cus of this I already had my golden days and close circle of friends I met in game in WotLK.

Then everyone quit anyway, I saw the cinematic of Sylvanas becoming the Warchief and I was sold. If it werent for all that I wouldve started as a Troll Shaman, tried it on a Trial and fell in love with the class. The Dark Lady guided me right home, under her lead where I belong. Idc about the rest of the horde I want my Sylvie.


I think this turned her on a lil, finally someone who backfires and isnt like azeroths most boring lapdog Nathanos. All submissive and obedient, no excitement, no challenge. Where as Lor’themar has no issues in setting his limits, which she likes to try and cross and tease him. The rest of the dialogue he seems to takes it lightly and even responds in this ammused humoristic manner when she wants to use Alliance corpses in stead.

LortheVanas wouldve also made a cute couple. Like Varian, Lorethemar is also a Warrior. Havent heard it yet though, but guessing Lorethemar too has a Warrior soul like Sylvanas and would make a great match together.

I perceived this in a teasing manner as a joke though, testing how far she can cross his limits. Even some undead like romance, flirting about his corpse having to be sexy. Fav dialogue ever, love Lorthemar and Sylvanas together, but also wonder about Kaelthas and Sylvanas dialogues!

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They don’t like one another in Hots.


Lol yeah this I found bad writing imo. Baine might be a cow, but cmon even he wouldnt have brought up this brilliant idea at the freakinn funeral of Rastakhan. “Lets all be friends with the killer of your father, whos funeral I btw also came here to attend to right?” Ahum yeah, strange logic, dafuq.

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I genuinely quit when I understood they were gonna kill Garrosh and I’m only returning now. Scars are closed now. LOL

I simply refused to kill him and do that raid. Guess I’ll have to do it all this time later.

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You refuse to kill him and miss the tusks for a superior garrosh cosplay?

You know, I would like to see how pandaren feel about the horde accepting the zandalari in the horde. And imagine how the families of all those victims of Sylvanas feel now because of the things she caused.

Pretty much. Sadly, was one of my favorite characters :stuck_out_tongue:

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This was EXACTLY my thought, when she said to Sadfang “I trusted you”.

I think she sincerely felt betrayed there when she said that and she misplaced her trust in him. Thinking he would choose loyalty to his warchief over his inner honor conflicts.

We didn’t actually kill him in the raid, we took him prisoner. We didn’t get to see him die until the next expansion. I understand what you mean though :slight_smile: