One day…I will reach trust level 3…one day Blizz…one day…
Geez, calm down. Nobody calls anyone shills. I don’t respect them more that I respect you, though. Or any other poster on forum. Don’t take friendly banter on the whole new level.
Please tell me that my utter lack of surplus respect for you won’t prevent you from sleeping at night. I might feel bad.
When they get hassled and falsely reported day after day just for being able to type in green ,they get far to much of it imho .
I have the feeling Minria was just playing a friendly joke
A lot of the things MVP’s get told are that they are employees af Blizz - so it’s a fun thing to joke with
could well be and could be im sick of seeing one of my friends taking abuse day after day.
Please don’t be offended on their behalf by my messages. I believe they more than capable to tell me if they are pissed off. And if they will I will probably apologize. But I won’t feel bad just because you tell me how they might interpret my messages.
Have a nice day.
This cow gets it.
*tips helmet*
strange its always AD players mocking others.
Of course I do get it, but you can always see when it’s a legit attack to the MVP’s or something silly like this
I don’t like those attacks on them, because I believe they earned the title, but they are also very well in handling jokes as well
I apologise i am very sensitive atm i admit but they are people just like us and one of them especially is there for me when iam down and hurting irl .
I think a lot of people have had time outs for things that would never have registered on the old forums. Obviously we should never have to put up with abusive behaviour, that’s different and would have got people in to trouble on the old system as well. But some really trivial stuff or just people making a joke or even just sarcasm has got them a timeout. It makes no sense to me.
Not everyone has had an unjust timeout ofc. Some are well deserved and you can see why they get them.
I’m not sure how the losing and rebuilding trust levels works just yet. I guess we are all still learning.
No problems, we should be aware when someone is in the fire and help
I cry myself to sleep every night
Seriously though I don’t expect any one to respect text in green or white or pink, although I’d really love to be able to post in pink
I would like to encompass all of my titles as if I were Daenerys from Game of Thrones.
Punyelf, MVP for World of Warcraft, EU Forums - EN, Shill, Blizzard AI etc etc
If it says 107 days and i gave 3 likes…
does this mean i am 7 days in the new 100 day cycle in which i have to give 20 likes?
and all the other stuff…
I have a couple titles for puny but none i can repeat on a forum
Merge my accounts and i’ll make you king of these realms! (forums)
Trelw, MVP for World of Warcraft, EU forums - EN and DE (and just a tiny bit ES), level 123 CensusPlus (skull level) boss, somewhat dented and beaten up white knight, champion of grind defence and all-around friendly troll, etc…
chuckles again and returns to his quest of building a battle pet and archeology school for (tauren) children at the feet of the Thunder Bluff’s western elevator
I am presuming the hundred day period for you is like from day 8 to your current day 107. But we can’t see what activities are in those 100 days because the profile gives an overview of the entire time.