Stonespine PVP

Greetings Travellers,

I feel like Stonespine is really suffering with Horde to Alliance ratios. According to the wowpop website i have been looking at there is currently 10500 Horde and 2000 Alliance.

I understand that now phase two is out that a lot more pvp is to be expected and was looking forward to it. However its becoming hard to do anything on the server even with a full raid of alliance.

I can also imagine it getting a bit stale for the Horde players as there are countless 5 to 10 man party’s just trying to find a single alliance play to get their honour.

It’s very tempting to use a server transfer at this point but that would mean throwing away the community that i have grown fond of.

Just thought it was worth a mention.


When I said its 80/20 on Stonespine I thought I was exaggerating…

wHy dId yOu pIcK pVp sERveR, tHiS iS wHaT pVp iS aBoUt

I only really play on Saturdays but I think I must have been really lucky! I did an ulda run and we didn’t really encounter any horde in badlands, with the exception of a ?? rogue who looked to be helping a level 40 priest inside the cave :smiley:

If the problem is as bad as this…offft good luck to those grinding honour on ally side! I couldn’t transfer even if I wanted to, all my precious auction house data would be gone :D:D

It feels more like 2:1 tbh.
Not that thats such a healthy number.

I’m from Stonespine and I totally agree, specially the situation in Hillsbrad is kinda ridiculous, the Alliance is always pushed back beyond the flypoint with no option to ever win any encounter.

One solution that my guild has been trying to reach is to make an agreement through the discord channel to try and have more balanced battles such as 10 vs 10 and 20 vs 20 and also to be always the same.

If this does interest you, try to find me here:


Stonespine ratio is closer to ~60-65/40-35%.

SS/TM is so 2006, the real PvP can be found at Dire Maul and LHC, and it’s way more balanced, heck even alliance-dominated at times.

It doesnt matter what it feels like. The fact is anywhere you go there is a raid of Hordes hunting people. If it was 2-1 then at least somewhere Alliance would be winning. And that is always only a case for like 5 minutes. Then the Horde raid joins (that was already in the zone just somewhere else) and ends all the fun. I think its more 80-20 or 75-25 maybe. Its not unusual to have 3 alliance 60s in a zone against 20 hordes in the lower populated pvp zones. And its getting worse every day as people are leaving.

“Wait a few days and it will fade away” - well why should I wait a few days? Thats a toxic logic. I pay for the game and I cant play it. Heck, even in Ironforge there are rogues hiding and killing people that TPd there and their pvp didnt go off yet. It really is broken


Thanks for that, it’s good to know that its not just alliance having that are seeing the impact. I’ll maybe organise something with the guild and pop into the discord at some point.

I don’t even with BG’s will fix this issue, Horde are going to have one hell of a que time but at the same time i cant really think of anyway that its going to fixed.

fok dis server imbalance I unsubscribed , hurts my heart! :’(

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Unfortunately we see the same situation on more and more “PvP” Servers, people are leaving/stop playing which just adds to the unbalance. I would rather face a one hour queue and be able to play, than this ridiculous mess. One can only hope BLizzard is going to do something very soon, otherwise Classic is finished. When P3 comes there is no alliance left. BG’s sure gonna be fun then.

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Yea i don’t think BG’s is going to solve the issue on stonespine atleast. Horde are going to have a very long que time so we will be looking at more of the same. I can’t think of any fixes that would work. if i server transfer i’m just adding to the problem and it will just re occur.

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Its 01:29 and there is a horde grp camping the boat at Menethil…Jesus, people have gone mad in this phase.

Its like that all day and night :smiley:

you make it sound like that’s an exception, which kinda speaks for itself.

OT: balance on stonespine is messed up. We were opting for a transfer and we were planning the whole thing, untill they closed the transfers from stonespine. Probably to prevent an all out alliance drain.

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so have they stopped transfers from stonespine now?

yep, they closed it 1 day after honor system went live

here you can track current transfer opportunities

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https:// ironforge .pro/servers/
It’s really bad balance there.

You read what you want to read.

If the situation was so bad as some of you try to make it out to be, it would never be alliance-dominated, ever.

Ah well, looks like we are stuck in this hell hole now :smiley: thanks for the info

Bud go the only place that isn’t dominated by Horde is Moonglade. even Ironforge is full of skeletons all the time.

so are we supposed to be happy with the rare occasions that alliance are present in hot spots? That’s a way to play down the situation.